Page 94 - RB-106-2023-3
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Paola Ferrada assumed the role of General Manager of Vipal Chile in February 2020 and is responsible for the commercial and technical management of the Chilean, Peruvian, Bolivian, and Ecuadorian markets. Our South America correspondent Daniel Rojas Enos caught up with her after the Latin Tyre & Auto Parts Expo in Panama.
You’ve just returned from a quick visit to the Latin Tyre & Auto Parts Expo in Panama on June 14 and 15. How did you find the fair?
“If we talk about the tyre retreading industry, after being in constant decline, year after year, we can show that this last period, because of the recent pandemic, supply crisis, lack of ships, the figures were very positive for our customers and industry.”
exposure of the brands represented by these players has been lost. However, the industries are in constant movement, and it is important to visualise the technological advances that are exhibited at this Expo, in addition to the conferences given by industry experts, such as the state of the markets, trends, tech- nologies, global policies, among other points.
At present, how is the Chilean market and the other markets under your responsibility?
If we talk about the tyre retreading industry, after being in constant decline, year after year, we can show that this last period, because of the recent pandemic, supply crisis, lack of ships, the figures were very positive for our customers and in- dustry.
The Latin Tyre & Auto Parts represents one of the most antici- pated events for those involved in the automotive industry in Latin America. A great call was achieved in this Fair, for those who are interested in following the global trends of tyres, their distribution channels, and the progress that Asian brands are presenting. It is an exhibition centre that covers all sectors of the Automotive Industry, which allows for the generation of agile commercial links.
Regarding the tyre retreading industry, there was no partici- pation of the main Latin American players that belong to this industry. With the participation of the new Asian tyres, the
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