Page 95 - RB-106-2023-3
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However, we are currently in a process of market adaptation, due to new policies and requirements, since the retreading of tyres can contribute significantly to the economy and to the en- vironment of a country. It is also an undervalued activity, and for this reason we are in a process of automation of the indus- try, applying new technologies that provide security, quality, and continuous improvements in the production process.
We are aware of the sensitivity of our industry; therefore, we consider a fundamental support all the work of representation of the association and the information that ARNEC promotes within the associates and in the external environment of the industry (government, customers, and principals).
The vehicle market in Peru represents a positive trend, and to this we must add the implementation of the Peruvian EPR Law, in the short term, which makes us foresee that this mar- ket could grow in the next years, generating an opportunity to increase the bus and truck tyre retread industry and the OTR sector.
In the case of the Ecuadorian market, agreements, and policies to reduce the impact of the industry on the environment are promoted at the governmental level. The Reuse Tire program of the Ministry of Industries and Productivity proposes retrea- ding as the transformation of an environmental liability into an environmental asset. Under this premise, the tyre retreading
industry presents important growth in the market.
What are Vipal Chile’s main challenges in the medium term?
To accompany each of its customers in their technological ad- vances and the standardisation of processes under a system of continuous improvements, to accompany the needs of the transportation industry and cover them together.
To make sure that the transportation industry recognises tyre retreading as an activity that contributes to the economy and the environment, that the target market can understand the measures of demands to which we submit ourselves where our products are developed with specific characteristics to withs- tand the work, conditions and demands of the tyre, which make the service 100% safe.
Also to maintain market share in each of the business units in which we participate, streamlining the supply chain, contri- buting with the innovation of our products, and seeking im- provements in the services we provide to each of our strategic partners.

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