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Vipal Retreader Gains Inmetro
Paludo Tyres, an authorised Vipal retreader, is the first in Brazil to obtain Imetro registartion to retread both truck and passenger tyres. Paludo Tyres received the registration of its Supplier's Declaration of Conformity Inmetro with the inclusion of the retreading truck processes in hot and cold proceses. Thus, Paludo Tyres, which already owned the record for retreading passenger tyres, becomes the first and only Brazilian retreading company to have both records. Also, it is the retreader with a longest continuous certification in the domestic market, since it has held the certification for passenger tyres for nearly 10 years.
With this initiative, Paludo Tyres is ahead of the market, since all truck tyre retreaders have until November 2012 to obtain Inmetro certification, according to Ordinance No. 444.
This process of adaptation to the requirements of Inmetro, brings benefits to the retreading and transport market. Truck drivers and fleet owners will benefit from the improving quality in retreading, through products and services designed to ensure a longer life of the tyre with better performance and security.
Vipal has been working with its authorised retreader network in order to provide all the necessary support to obtain Inmetro certification through mentoring, training and technical support teams. During this process, Inmetro determines the test samples of retreaded tyres, which are sent to specialized laboratories. The Vipal Group has also invested in a high-tech laboratory called Vipaltec, which was accredited by Inmetro in 2007 and provides its services to the whole tyre market.
Brazil's Oldest Retreader Celebrates Six Decades
NSA Pneutec is commemorating six decades of retreading with its capacity to remodel 10,000 tyres per month.
In November 2011, NSA Pneutec - the oldest operational retreader of tyres in Brazil, with two retreading plants, three Truck Centres plus mobile units, will complete its 60th year.
Established in 1951 in Mooca and today based in Santana de Parnaíba, greater São Paulo, Pneutec was acquired by the NSA group in 2005 to form NSA Pneutec. With more than 200 staff, NSA Pneutec holds ISO 9001|2000 plus Inmetro. NSA Pneutec's Giulio Cesar says, "Clearly, to commemorate the 60
years of the company is a motivator at a time when the sector is highly competitive and is slow growing. Our objective is to take NSA Pneutec to its centenary in Brazil. The group had seen considerable growth in the past six years with the acquisition of other companies and our focus remains in the innovation of added value and in the quality of the service to the customer."
To thank customers, suppliers, collaborators, partners and the main entrepreneurs of the sector, NSA Pneutec offered a gala supper for 400 guests in commemoration of its 60 years dedicated to the retreading of tyres."
ABC Valadares Takes Training a Step Further
Moreflex Supports 19th Truckers Festival
Between the 12th the 15th of September the training team from ABC Valadares met with industry representatives at its headquarters in Governador Valadares (MG). The guests came from “A. F Centro Oeste Representações” e “J. Augusto Representações e Serviços” and had just passed their training on retreading tyres.
The two companies market the products of ABC Valadares in the states of Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Goiás, Federal District, Piauí, Rio Grande del Norte, Ceará and Maranhão.
The training graduates had received catalogues from ABC Valadares; brochures of products and incentives. During the four days of training the participants learned about the retreading products available from ABC
Valadares, had received information on data from the market about retreading of tyres and were given practical experience in retreading tyres. learning the processes required to develop quality truck, agricultural and off road retreads. The training also included training on the correct use of the company’s tube protectors.
The mining companies Top Pneus de Inhapim and Belo Vale Reformadora de Pneus from Governador Valadares had been chosen for visits during the training. There was also a visit to the ABC Valadares plant.
The programme was designed to develop a professional approach to retreading and to familiarise the retreaders with the proper way to utilise ABC Valadares products.
Brazilian retread materials and equipment supplier Moreflex and its partner Pneu 1000 participated in the 19th Truckers Festival in Tabuleiro do Norte. The Festival has become one of the most traditional events in the Valley of the Jaguaribe and it draws support from transporters and operators as being one of the most important events in the North East of Brazil.
Tabuleiro do Norte is known as " city of caminhoneiros" for having amongst the highest per capita average of truck drivers in the whole country; one in every seventeen of the population is a truck driver.
Trucking is important to the economy of the city, not because of the income for the drivers, but because it makes the industry of the area mobile and allows it to
transport goods across the continent, bringing business and income to the area.
Organized for the ACATAN - Association of the Truck drivers of the region, with the support of the city hall and of SEST SENAT, the event was opened by a convoy of truck drivers from many states across Brazil.
The programming also included a solemn mass, shows, cultural lectures, business-oriented presentations and the Exhibition for companies of the sector to display its products and to meet the visiting public.
Moreflex and Pneu 1000 had a marked presence displaying their Series-H, an exclusive line of pre- cure treads from Moreflex designed to generate low rolling resistance and a lower cost per kilometre.
38 Retreading Business