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       Vipal Gives Internet Tips To Improve Tyre Performance
The latest website from Vipal is dedicated to strengthening its relationship with truck drivers and tyre dealers, giving tips to prolong tyre life.The website provides tips to help fleet owners, truck drivers and tyre dealers in the quest for lower cost per kilometre.
Vipal - the market leader in Brazil and one of the most important manufacturers of products for retreading and repairing tyres and inner tubes - has created a direct channel to transport companies and independent truck drivers on the web. This is the "About the Road with Vipal" ( ), designed and developed to provide quickly and efficiently the information that this audience needs to extend tyre life and stay informed about the transport market.
News and tips on vehicle maintenance, care of the tyre, the benefits of using Vipal's products and services, can be checked on the website.
Vipal wants to show how to achieve the lowest cost per mile travelled, and how to access superior casings. For the retreading be viable, it is essential that the carrier is aware that the tyres need constant care to prolong their useful life.
Check out the main points of attention in the maintenance of the tyres:
Check pressures periodically when the tyres are cold and filling to recommended pressures;
Using nitrogen in the tyres;
Perform regular rotation;
Always keep the wheels clean and free from rust and in good repair;
Conduct periodic inspections to control the wear of the tread;
Make periodic balancing and alignment;
Mount and dismount tyres with proper tools;
Remove the tyre for retreading at the right time;
Apply the repair of the tyres and inner tubes, with appropriate products and skilled labour;
Give the retreading to an authorized retreader, offering quality products and service assurance.
Do not run with an overloaded vehicle Use the brakes properly
Choose the type of tread design suitable for the application to which the vehicle is destined. Each type of terrain requires a specific type of tread.
In Countries where Vipal works with its authorized Network of Retreaders, the warranty goes up to the third retreading.
   Primos Recap – New Tipler Authorized Retreader
the company started its Update Program for Managers and Executives - PAGE, with the participation of more than 30 people, including directors, managers and the second generation of authorized retreaders. The course was taught by a consulting company. The opening was made by the director of Marangoni in Latin America, Gian Piero Zadra. "This University undoubtedly contributes to the evolution of our partners who can bring home a full complement of services. Going back to being a student is very enlightening, as it is a way to review some concepts and learn new ways of tackling the problems of everyday life, in this aggressive market. Managers today have an obligation to take a more scientific approach and not rely solely on intuition, this University offers continuous improvement of business and strengthens the companies that can now have greater market dominance," he says.
For this first stage of PAGE, the members had three days of education, enjoying periods of learning and exchanging experiences. Among the contents were presentations designed to prepare managers to face the challenges of the market, new
retreaders. It is very important to adopt concepts and make
ever yone, whatever their business, walk together, following the same guidelines and getting excellent results. This University is good for the entire chain, from Marangoni, authorized retreaders right through to the end customer who will get quality products at a fair price," emphasizes the commercial director of Marangoni, Plinio de Luca.
The benefits are visible and are confirmed at each stage of the process, as confirmed by the Director of Organization Planning and Control, Marconi Alvarenga Rocha. "This is an excellent opportunity for everyone to review concepts and acquire knowledge management. There are many companies in the market growing, but not all have a solid base, which over time is completely detrimental. The University gives structure to this growth, with additional tools that enable an integrated, firm and consistent development. We are enabling these businesses to continue growing, but in a healthy and profitable fashion." "I see the Marangoni University project as an excellent opportunity for participants to make a reflection on the
Primos Recap, new to Tipler's Dealer Network, has been in full operation since the end of August. The company based in Amparo SP- began operations counting on the support of Tipler, who worked with the dealer at all stages of preparation for the inauguration; from the premises of the plant up to the retreading process and business training for all staff professionals. With this start,
Primos Recap already met Tipler's high standards, from the outset. and has surpassed the goals of collecting tyres for retreading and productivity.
The Tipler Primos Recap welcomed the inauguration of the operation, believing that the growth plans outlined are being met already and that this partnership will yield excellent results for both companies.
Tipler Expands Its Factory
Recently Tipler began the installation of a 280 square metre roof to be added to its existing modern structure. Thus, the new Tipler plant will cover nearly 60 million square feet of building area devoted to the production of more profitable solutions to the retreading market.
The expansion, performed within the Green Building concept, reinforcing Tipler's concern about the sustainability of business and the reduction of its impact on the local ecosystem. Additionally there is the expansion of Plant 2, where
more than 2 million square feet will be constructed for the installation of the new Administrative Center and 500 square meters for the new Research and Development
L a b o r a t o r y.
These works are a result of Tipler's strong growth over the past year and will prepare the Company for further growth in the medium to long term. Tipler says it is always committed to delivering the most viable solutions to the retreading market, focusing its actions on the sustainability of business.
36 Retreading Business
Marangoni University Enables Managers
Marangoni Tread Latin America has already introduced the so- called Marangoni University, in addition to the training carried out with commercial sales at conventions. On September 1,
business models and benchmarking, amongst others. "The arrival of this University has created the opportunity to reaffirm our vision and work culture with our authorized

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