Page 54 - RB-108-2024-1
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BEST OTR RETREADER BEST TRUCK & BUS RETREADER MARANGONI CONTINUES WINNING STREAK IN RETREADER AWARDS Vittorio Marangoni was a double winner at this year’s awards This year we felt that we should expand the Retreader of the Year category and offer three separate awards, one for the truck sec- tor, one for passenger tyre retreading and one to cover the OTR sector, primarily in re- cognition of the fact that these three sectors are entirely different in their structure, but also to allow the achievements of retreaders in the more niche sectors to be recognised by the industry. This strategy definitely succeeded in bringing the achievements of more retreaders to the fore. Nonetheless, the Marangoni Group we- re once again able to follow up their triumphs as Retreader of the Year in both the two pre- vious years with wins in two out of the three categories. Marangoni CEO Vittorio Marangoni was on hand in Bologna to collect the awards for best Truck and Bus Retreader and Best OTR retreader, underlining the company’s quality reputation as well as their ability to mobilise support from across the sector. Following the Awards Ceremony, Matthias Leppert, Marangoni COO, said: “We are very proud of the recognition Marangoni has re- ceived. We accept the awards for Best Re- treader on behalf of our customers, whose trust in the quality of our products, especially the Ringtread System, and services, has ma- de our success possible.” Vittorio Marangoni, Chairman of the Maran- goni Group added: “We would like to thank our valued customers, dedicated partners and outstanding team members who have contributed to this success. As a supporter of the Recircle Awards since its inception, we are proud to be part of this prestigious event that celebrates progress in the circular eco- nomy. Together, we will promote a sustaina- ble future.” Leppert concluded: This result was achieved thanks to the extraordinary participation of our customers, partners and employees. For us, this is an incentive to continue to develop and expand our leading position every day.” P.XXII