Page 36 - RB-106-2023-3
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Dnipro, Ukraine-based retreader Yashina Ltd is supporting a local bus company, which was targeted and almost destroyed by a Rus- sian missile attack last autumn, by supplying it with free tyres. The bus operator Igrek was at the time running 200 large capacity Vol- vo B7 buses serving several bus routes in the city. However, Igrek lost more than 60 vehicles during the attack.
Yashina co-owner Mikhail Prudnikov visited Igrek following the attack a described a scene of devastation:
“The remnants of engines and gearboxes are lined up along the fence, they are also heavily melted and mangled by the high tem- perature, some of them are being rescued and repaired by the workers at the motor vehicle repair station, and some are com- pletely unusable.“
According to Prudnikov most of the burned vehicles were scrapped, but one burned out bus has been rescued by Prudnikov for an exhibition at his own vintage vehicle museum, Time Ma- chine. The upcoming exhibition, he says, should be called the “His- tory of Victory Exhibition.“
Since the attack all Igrek managed to retain all its local transport
routes, and through considerable efforts the company has re- stored the required number of vehicles.
Yashina Managing Director Aleksey Gryshchenko is pictured with Igrik Director Mikhail Klockun.
TIPLER has launched a new advertising campaign for April entitled “TIPLER. I like it, I trust it” starring truck driver and influencer Bruno Garcia, who has a close relationship with road professionals.
Published on social networks and digital channels, the campaign reinforces TIPLER’s position as a highly qualified network for retreaded tyres, with more than 85 dealerships spread across Brazil.
“TIPLER completed 48 years in April. A lot of tradition, quality and innovations in retreading bands are present throughout this history,” commented Executive Marketing Manager Jandrei Luis Goldschmidt. “The ‘TIPLER. I Like, I Trust it’ campaign seeks
to strengthen these value and attributes of the brand even more, together with our customers, transporters , truck drivers and fleet owners. Quality, road safety and high mileage performance are the qualities which guarantee the satisfaction of all customers when retreading with TIPLER strips”, he added.
   BANDAG ENTERS MOULD CURE SECTOR WITH BANDAG HOTREAD Bridgestone EMIA have announced that they are expanding the Bandag brand into
the mould cure sector with the launch of Bandag Hotread.
Following the intrduction of Hotread, Bandag will be able to offer both pre-cured and mould-cured retread products solutions to its dealer network in Europe. The mould-cured retreads will feature the same performance as the Bandag premium pre-cured tread range and will feature a new Bandag sidewall design, ensuring the tyres will have a look-like-new appearance.

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