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 Bandag has officially achieved certification as a Circular Economy Collaborator by Tyre Stewardship Australia (TSA). According to a press statement issued by TSA, the Bandag process is valuable in driving sustainable outcomes for used tyres, by extending their life, and contributing to TSA’s vision of a cir- cular economy for end-of-life tyres and tyre recovery in Australia. The TSA programme champions those organisations who are un- dertaking activities that contribute to a circu- lar economy – activities which keeps tyre-de- rived products and materials circulating in the economy for as long as possible, reducing reliance on raw materials.
TSA Chief Executive Officer Lina Goodman said: “Tyre Stewardship Australia is proud to acknowledge Bandag as a Circular Economy Collaborator, through advanced manufactu- ring, Bandag recaptures the value from used tyres, increasing their working life again and again. The retread process Bandag provides here in Australia truly epitomises the essence of a circular economy.”
Bridgestone Australia & New Zealand Mana- ging Director, Heath Barclay, says the TSA’s certification is further validation of the bene- fits of Bandag retreads.
“Bandag’s certification as a Circular Economy Collaborator is another demonstration of how Bandag supports a more sustainable in-
dustry and highlights the significant positive impact of locally made retreads,” he said. “Our Bandag retreads offer both economic and social value to our customers, and the recog- nition as a Circular Economy Collaborator is a demonstration of the positive contribution that this product makes towards a circular economy.”
At the end of April Spanish tyre retreading and retail group Gru- po Soledad hosted KRAIBURG Austria’s annual sales meeting, the first KRAIBURG convention to be held in person since 2019.
KRAIBURG says it has been able to significantly expand its share in the Spanish retreading material market recently thanks to the support of Spanish retreader INSA Turbo, which forms a major part of Grupo Soledad, and KRAIBURG management took advantage of the occasion to carry out important strategic meetings at the Group’s headquarters in Elche. Grupo Soledad is one of the key retail players in the Spanish market, with a distribution network of more than 100 company-owned shops and a franchise network with 1,000 points of sale across Spain and Portugal.
“We have been able to share with the entire KRAIBURG sa- les team the satisfaction of having a reliable partner who has the same quality philosophy as KRAIBURG when it co- mes to truck tyre retreading,” explained Stefan Mayrhofer, General Manager of KRAIBURG Austria.
“We see a lot of potential in continuously developing our partnership with KRAIBURG, especially regarding its pro- ven and undoubted expertise in compounding and design development, added Salvador Perez Lucena, commercial director of INSA Turbo.
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