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                  Marangoni Opens Tyre Shop for Retreads in China
  Marangoni has announced that it opened a selling point in China for retreaded tyres last year by appointing a local tyre dealer exclusively selling the retreaded tyres in order to develop a market for such tyres. The
The idea is to develop confidence among fleet owners for retreaded tyres done by our systems,” informed Pu Feng of Marangoni Shanghai Retreading Tyre Sales & Service Shop. The target is to sell at least 500
company believes that if suitable casings for retreading are available in the market, the sale of retreads would also improve from the tyre shop. “We
are confident about the Marangoni brand and people will come back to us after using our retreads,” Pu said.
 Pudong, Shanghai based dealer sources retreads from Marangoni’s Songjiang-based pilot plant.
The tyre dealer is selling on an average around 150 retreads per month since last October. “We have also given around 150 retreads to various fleet owners on a trial basis.
retreads every month.
Marangoni has also tied-up with Pirelli for selling new tyres from the same tyre shop. “Pirelli tyres will soon be available from our shop,” Pu said. He feels that it the shop needs to sell around 300 retreads per month to make it profitable. The
Hangzhou Qingxin Target 2,000 Plus Volume
  Pu Feng of Marangoni Shanghai Retreading Tyre Sales & Service Shop
Marangoni has already made a beginning of developing and transforming the retreading market in China. The impact of the move may not look very big at this juncture but it is significant as it is developing a network of retreading plants using its equipment and with staff trained to retread at the highest standard. Though these retreading plants are running at low volumes at the moment, they are doing a quality job not always attained by other retreaders. They are expensive, using
meet with Retreading Business. Started in the middle of 2012, the Hangzhou based plant retreads 500 tyres per month and is the first Marangoni Ringread builder in China. “We are taking some time to build the market for our high-end product. “Despite the fact that good casings are not available in the market, we are very optimistic about the future,” Yang said. The company had previously retreaded tyres using local equipment and products before it shifted to Marangoni in 2012. Hangzhou is a
   Yang Jian Jan, Director, Hangzhou Qingxin Tyre Retreading Factory with colleague Shi Ming Liang
   the best equipment and products in order to inculcate demand for quality retreads in the market. “We know we are doing something new and different. We bought hi-end equipment and rubber and produce a quality product. We strongly believe that we have long way to go,” agreed Yang Jian Jan, Director, Hangzhou Qingxin Tyre Retreading Factory, who specially travelled to the Shanghai based Marangoni Pilot Retreading Plant to
transport hub and the largest city in Zhejiang province in Eastern China about 150 km from Shanghai.
The company intends to achieve volumes of 2,000 to 3,000 tyres per month in the next couple of years. “Once we achieve good volumes, we will set-up a new plant at a new site,” Yang informed. The plant has a full range of Marangoni equipment including a Ring Builder, shearography equipment and a 14-tyre autoclave.
   Atual Pneus Promotes Training Through Tipler
Tipler authorised retreader Atual Pneus uses the Tipler Training Centre (TTC) to hold a training course for its staff and customers in São Leopoldo, RS. The candidates attended an intensive training session entitled " Use of Tyres in the Fleet " 26 representatives from 18 different companies, have now deepened their knowledge on topics such as types of tyre construction, tyre retreading, the retread market and calculation of CPK ( Cost per Kilometer).
In addition to these topics, the course also addressed the differences that Tipler provides to the network and extends to carriers through its Value
Package, a set of unique advantages that ensure more savings to fleets that retread their tyres at a Tipler network dealer.
After training there was a visit to Atual Pneus, where the course participants had a closer inspection of the best practices of retreading.
With the completion of courses and training like this, Tipler and its Network reinforce their commitment to deliver to their customers not only products that meet the demands of the transport sector , but also the best practices and solutions of the tyre retreading industry, disseminating knowledge and applying it.

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