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      ABR and Sindibores Discuss Integration of Green Seal
information. We may establish a future programme for this
integration, "says the Technical Advisor from ABR.
  Bridgestone Service Centre for Trucks and Buses
BTS network (Bandag Truck Service) optimises downtime for carriers and fleets to offer various maintenance services for trucks and buses. Performing vehicle maintenance is of utmost importance to ensure its preservation and driver safety, especially for those who drive trucks and buses, since they spend most of their time on the roads. In most cases, the driver does not have much time to stop the vehicle and optimise this very important period. To solve this problem and meet the demand of the truck drivers through an agile maintenance network with high quality products, reliability and safety, Bridgestone offers trucks and buses the BTS (Bandag Truck Service), the largest such network in Brazil. The model was created in 2002 by Bandag, a pioneer in the retreading process and tyre management. Over time, BTS has
won the confidence of the carriers in offering highly qualified services for complete maintenance of the truck and bus, optimising downtime. The drivers now no longer need to travel from one shop to another to perform maintenance of vehicles. In these centres, the carrier finds a structured workshop, attendance and standardised services and skilled labour. To meet the needs of this audience, Bridgestone maintains BTS service centers that may have families of products demanded by their customers, such as tyres, brakes, suspension, electrical, lubrication and accessories. The network provides quality, fair price, skilled attendance asd standardised national coverage, strategically located on the major access roads in the countr y. Currently the BTS network has more than 130 franchisees spread across Brazil.
The Brazilian Retreaders Association ABR met on April 23 with Sindibores (Rubber Industry Union and Tyre Retreading Union of in the state of Espírito Santo). The theme of the meeting, held at the union headquarters in Vitória (ES), was the "Green Seal" Program Environmental Labeling of ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards), implemented by both entities to qualify the companies. Participants included representatives of the ABR, President Roberto de Oliveira and Carlos Thomaz ,Technical Advisor; from Sindibores the President Silesio Rezende de Barros, Marcondes Caldeira, Technical Director and Financial Director. Rogerio Pereira Santos, plus Cassiano Orsi Hemerly, Technical Analyst IEL -ES, and Guy Ladvocat, Certification Manager from ABNT. According to Carlos Thomaz, the purpose
of the meeting was to promote a synergy towards the interest of retreaders and exchange knowledge about the two programmes.
Both Sindibores and ABR launched the Green Seal in 2011 for the segment of retreading. The two programmes have the same purpose, sustainable benefits for the industr y, but different methodologies, which led to the meeting between the entities. "One of the differences is that the Sindibores programme was executed in that state for the network of retreaders, and was based on more specific data for the region," says Carlos Thomaz.
And these differences will only bring benefits for the application of Green Seal in the retread sector. "The meeting was ver y important to capture knowledge, compare systems applications and exchange
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