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       Marangoni Tyre Control: New Software Optimises Labour
control of the real tyre and knowledge of the intrinsic quality of the product, plus the option to control spending,
not only by tyre mileage, but also by the hour.
  Tipler Retreading Brand Completes 38 Years
For Tipler’s commercial director, Richard Suarez, the focus of the brand remains the strengthening of its dealer network in Brazil and Mercosur, now consisting of 80 companies. "The commitment is to provide the best and most appropriate products, processes and working conditions for the retreaders comprising the Tipler Network to become more increasingly competitive and profitable in our market."
To celebrate the anniversary of Tipler, the company hosted a breakfast for its employees. At the meeting, the Board of Directors,
Paulo Henrique Möller, presented the history and trajectory of the Tipler brand, whose treads are produced by the second largest manufacturer of products for retreading and rubber compounds in the Americas.
"Tipler congratulates the shareholders, directors and employees who built this story and thanks the trust of all its retreader partners and and fleets for the past 38 years for relying on the security, quality and high performance of Tipler brand products, proving that Tipler is the hallmark of profitable retreading, "added Suarez.
The newest release from Marangoni is Marangoni Tyre Control, a software package for the management of tyres for fleets that promises to optimise operations through a centralised control function. Marangoni invests in continuous improvements and comes out ahead especially when it comes to technology. Through this software, the installation will be done by a network server database with an interface that allows control of inventory, preventive maintenance, the functionality of the tyres on the move, among other benefits. Tyre Control allows the organisation access to information in more than 15 reports. The model is ready for use, and its administration module users have the option rights management, with versions in Portuguese, English, Italian and Spanish. In a discussion with product manager Fabiano Santos, we learned a little more about this news.
How and when was the programme createad?
The first version of the system emerged in mid-2004. Marangoni needed to offer its customers a tool to manage fleet tyres and check the
differential quality of its products. Since then, we sought to listen to our authorised retreaders, end users, technical staff and operators on the real needs for the system. We were providing a constant upgrade in this tool and now with the acceptance of the product worldwide, Marangoni is officially launching Marangoni Tyre Control in 2013.
How it will work?
It is a practical tool, easy to use and self explanatory. The software can be accessed through the Marangoni website.
Who will benefit?
The fleet owner will be the main beneficiary, since he will have a more reliable tool that is simple to use and which allows access to tyre management and the analysis of fleet costs. For the authorised retreader it is also very important, since customers can check truthfully, the results and the differences of Marangoni products, such as: direct comparison evaluation based on competition; assessment of trailing axles, which allows better
The Strength Of Women in Transportation
The labour market for drivers in freight transport in Brazil is large and increasingly needs qualified professionals. Women, rare figures in transport companies
today, have filled an important gap in this market. In the week we celebrated Labour Day in Brazil, May 1, the Marangoni commercial team had the

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