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       Tipler Savings
Tipler has launched a website to demonstrate the profitability of its Ecomais line of treads, which it claims can ensure up to 12 per cent reduction in fuel consumption.
Through the Internet, drivers
and fleet owners have available a tool that allows them to calculate how much they can save on fuel. Created by Tipler, the Savings Calculator hotsite demonstrates that tyre retreading can come at a zero cost using the Ecomais line of treads, created with a pattern, groove, unique compounds and processes that reduce rolling resistance and require less effort to move the vehicle.
At, the user fills in a table with the number of vehicles in his fleet, the average fuel consumption per vehicle and its price, the amount of retread tyres and the usual monthly amount spent on retreads. Then, the calculator shows how much can be saved when using the Ecomais line.
A customer of Tipler, Grycamp Transport of Ponta Grossa (PR state), is reported to have achieved savings of 5 per cent in fuel consumption and running performance of 8 per cent more than the competing product. "The Ecomais line of treads is
the most profitable in retreading by providing a great reduction in the operating costs for our fleet through its exceptional mileage and improved fuel economy," explains Philip Pazzotto, maintenance manager of
Gr ycamp.
Among the characteristics of the line Ecomais are the fact that pattern and depth are optimised to reduce rolling resistance and give higher abrasion resistance, which ensures higher mileage, rounded shoulders and side flaps to minimise the problems of lateral drag.
"We created a facility for the fleets to prove the results of an exclusive line that enables higher performance and fuel economy," said Carlos
Santa Helena Group INMETRO Registered
After gaining the first certificate of INMETRO for retreading truck tyres in Brazil, ahead of the whole market, in June 2011;Tipler now has two of its Dealer Network registered with the agency. The Group retreader St. Helena, one of the largest operators in the retreading industry in the State of Minas Gerais, which also operates in São Paulo, has just registered the mining units in Sete Lagoas and Uberlândia.
Regulation on Conformity Assessment - RAC - INMETRO promotes the skills of companies in the sector and further elevates the standard of safety and performance of retreaded tyres in Brazil. Registered under numbers 000830/2012 and 000831/2012, the units from St. Helena achieved their INMETRO retreading certification five months before the deadline in November this year.
Achieving this reinforces the high standard of retreading implemented by the Tipler Dealer Network, which operates according to the Tipler Retreading Manual - MTR - and delivers retreaded tyres to its customers with the highest technology in processes and equipment. Currently, over 25 per cent of the Tipler Dealer Network are already logged in INMETRO, a percentage well above the market average and other networks.
Through the STSA - Tipler System Sustainability Assurance - the Tipler network provides the most comprehensive benefits package, working on strategic issues to ensure the perpetuation and growth of its dealers in the market for retreaded tyres and obtaining INMETRO registry is essential to this process.
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