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            Add: No 46, Lorong Perusahaan Ringan 1,
68100 Batu Caves, Selangor Dar ul Ehsan. Malaysia Tel: +603-61 892892, Fax: +603-61 894850 Mobile: +60 19 2654563 (Mr. Ong)
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  Wenzel Industrie GmbH
The Bremen based company Wenzel was taken over by Marangoni in 2010 and is now responsible for industrial tyre sales and marketing strategy in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Denmark.
Wenzel brings 35 years of know how in the industrial tyre sector to Marangoni. In addition to the Marangoni brand, Wenzel also carries the private brand, Athletik. The company can offer immediate availability of goods due to professional stock keeping and it guarantees high-performance logistics. This applies for both the industrial tyres and the product portfolio of Marangoni retreaded OTR tyres.
Since the 100 per cent takeover by Marangoni the common goals have been to strengthen the Marangoni brand in the field of industrial and OTR tyres and to
expand the brand's market presence in the German-speaking market. After the crisis year 2009, Wenzel Industrie was, due to the close co-operation with Marangoni, able to increase its market share and turnover.
This common expansion strategy will be continued in the coming years. The aim of gaining a significant increase of market share in all sales fields - tyre dealer, truck dealer and OEM will be pursued consistently.
Wenzel Industrie pays special attention to qualified consultancy for the customers at all levels. 14 qualified consultants in the office and field service and 3 technicians are available on site to give advice on all matters: from industrial tyres to retreaded OTR tyres.
National Tyre Services to Re-open Bulawayo Factory
Zimbabwe's National Tire Services (NTS) held an analyst briefing on Monday 22 August 2011.
In a brief trading update management advised that revenue grew 40 per cent year on year during Q1 2012.
New tyre unit sales declined as a result of a deliberate focus towards higher value products given the limited credit and working capital constraints. Nonetheless, NTS is targeting a 25 per cent growth in revenue for the financial year to March 2012 with the first quarter revenue and profit being in line with the budget, chief operating officer Tafadzwa Choto told analysts during the briefing.
However, he added that freight costs and wage increases had been major overhead drivers, cutting into overall margins. Capacity utilisation at the Bandag factory is over 75 per cent and there are plans to reopen the Bulawayo factory. Volumes are expected to grow by 20 per cent with the reopening of the Bulawayo factory and not much capital expenditure is required for the reopening since the factory was securely moth balled.
NTS has received generous trading terms from suppliers which should result in improved stock availability. Approximately 65 per cent of group sales are
cash sales. Although margins remain under pressure due to increased competition, a firm rand and rising oil and rubber prices mean that management believe net margins can be enhanced from the 5.5 per cent achieved in FY 2011.
With a branch network of eight and plans to reopen other branches, NTS is well poised to take advantage of the economic recover y. Estimates indicate that there are approximately 1 million vehicles in Zimbabwe of which more than 65 per cent are in and around Harare.
NTS directly imported 80per cent of inputs from Apollo South Africa, Dunlop Zimbabwe, Mitsubishi and local distribution agencies.
In retreading, Bandag inputs were imported from Bandag South Africa under a franchise agreement and Dunlop Zimbabwe.
Choto noted the firming of the South African rand had effects on the input costs as well as the rising of oil and rubber products since oil was a major component in the manufacturing of tyres.

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