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    David Wilson will be the moderator of the conferences, both in Bangkok and Cologne
Day two will focus on presentations from Exhibitors Synthos, Nuo- ka and Brimstone and a presentation from David Stevens from TRIB on “Communicating the Positive Message of Retreading”. A panel discussion will also focus on Future Challenges for Independent Re- treaders.
Day three will include a mix of presentations on the Tyre Recycling Sector, including a panel discussion on Tyre Recycling within the Circular Economy, a number of Technology-related presentations,
Christina Guth from the AZUR Network moderates the German language session on the future of retreading at the last edition of The Tire Cologne
and a presentation on the future of retreading from an association’s perspective.
David Wilson, Publisher of Retreading Business, commented: “We are excited to once again be involved in organising conference ses- sions for the tyre retreading and recycling sectors at TyreXpo Asia and The Tire Cologne, two of the most important tyre industry exhi- bitions worldwide. We hope these sessions will provide plenty of im- petus and market insights for retreaders worldwide, and we thank both Alwin Seow at Informa and Ingo Riedeberger at Koelnmesse for their support and cooperation.”
Once the full programme is finalised, a full list of topics and speakers will be published soon. Again, the conference sessions will be re- corded and available across our platforms after the event.
For further information on either of the events in Bangkok and Co- logne, please feel free to contact us or the individual organisers, Al- win Seow at Informa for TyreXpo Asia or Ingo Riedeberger at Koeln- messe for The Tire Cologne.
A full list of topics and speakers will be published soon once the full programme is finalised. Again, the conference sessions will be re- corded and available across our platforms after the event.
For further information on either of the events in Bangkok and Co- logne, please feel free to contact us or the individual organisers, Al- win Seow at Informa for TyreXpo Asia or Ingo Riedeberger at Koeln- messe for The Tire Cologne.
TyreXpo Asia was exceptionally well attended in Singapore last year

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