Page 98 - RB-106-2023-3
P. 98

 Insa Turbo were able to welcome a host of new visitors to their stand
Rappazzo (UNIGOMA - Argentina), Mr Santiago Rappazzo (UNI- GOMA - Argentina), Gilson Dugno (VIPAL), Paola Ferrada (VI- PAL), Hernando Díez Vargas (ANRE - Colombia) and Daniel Rojas Enos (ARNEC - Chile).
Topics discussed during the meeting included concerns on regula- tory and normative issues: In particular, the regulations and stan- dards that will come into force from August 2023 in Colombia, ba-
sed on UN regulations and American FMVSS standards, which for the tyre retreading sector have some gaps due to its strict com- pliance, in terms of Conformity Assessment (Mr Hernando Diez).
A discussion was held on the regulations and standards of each country, with different opinions because they are not mandatory in several countries, as they are in Colombia. According to Santia- go Avellan from Ecuador, mandatory rules and regulations make it difficult for the industry to operate regularly.
During the meeting, it was proposed to formalise ALARNEU as an Association, and this issue is now pending for discussion at a future meeting incorporating, if possible, all businesses and orga- niations from within the sector including trade associations, su- ppliers of inputs and machinery, and tyre retreading companies).
The next activity of ALARNEU is to plan a meeting every three months, virtually, whereby everyone (trade associations, su- ppliers, and tyre retreading companies) will be encouraged to par- ticipate actively and thus be able to draw conclusions from the ex- periences of each country that will lead to individually design the improvement of their industry. Daniel Rojas Enos was elected as the Spokesperson/Coordinator to plan these quarterly meetings. The idea of these quarterly meetings will be to address various issues raised by the attendees, including suggestions, concerns, and proposals for improvement of the industry in each country.

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