Page 12 - RB-106-2023-3
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 Brazilian tread rubber manufacturer Unique Rubber has announced the inauguration of the Unique Memorial, a structure installed next to the industrial park, in São Leopoldo/RS. The inauguration of the space on 18th June marked the 90th birthday of Group Founder, Remy Möller, who received the Memorial Unique as a surprise gift.
“We are very proud of the history and trajectory of our grandfa- ther Remy,” commented Unique Rubber CEOs Francisco Möller and Lucas Möller. “We know it wasn’t an easy journey and how much he dedicated himself to making the business grow. Our pa- rents, the second generation, were also crucial in managing the company to leverage Unique and its brands, expand markets and make the group what it is today. There is nothing more appropria- te than having this legacy recorded through the Unique Memo- rial, which tells this whole story and which will continue over the next few years adding new chapters in the trajectory that we are helping to build now.”
Positioned at the entrance of the company, next to the reception of the administrative building, the Unique Memorial portrays the company’s history over its 48 years, from its inception to the pre- sent day. It has a cataloged collection of more than 200 pieces, including physical pieces, photos and videos, including the first invoice and the license permit, all original from the time of the foundation, dated 1975. The Memorial is divided into 12 stations that portray and punctuate the different eras of the company. The story is told through the exhibition of numerous photos, ca-
talogues, videos and products, including an extruder and a cylin- der, the first machines that were acquired by the company.
Visits are guided by an audio-guiding system, which allows visi- tors to learn about the history of each station, and takes the visi- tor through a route that represents a highway in the shape of an infinite “8”. As a highlight, the Memorial Unique features a statue of founder Remy Möller when he was 23 years old. The work was designed by the artist Henrique Plácido with a textured finish in bronze. At the end of the route, a hologram brings a message from the founder on his 90th birthday.
“The initiative to create a Memorial was conceived some years ago by those of us from the second generation of the Möller fa- mily,” explained Paulo Henrique Möller, one of the creators of the project. “in addition to recording key moments and events in Uni- que’s history, the Memorial seeks to provide visitors, customers, suppliers and employees with a different and interactive way to learn about each stage of Unique’s trajectory and its Tipler and Borex brands, perpetuating a success story stretching over al- most half a century.
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