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  The new MTP_TRI sorting machine from Regom The new sorting department in the Béthune plant
ffers, the purchase of two Zeiss Intact shearography machines for post-production testing and the creation of storage departments for casings and finished goods, which have necessitated the construc- tion of a firewall within the factory to separate storage from produc- tion. The company currently keeps around 50,000 premium casings in stock plus around 8,000 finished Leonard branded retreads.
The other key member of member of Pieret’s team is Managing Di- rector Laurent Cabassu, who joined the company last September from Pirelli to lead development of the Black Star project as the new tyres enter the marketplace.
The new brand, Leonard, was launched at the start of April at the Drive to Zero exhibition in Paris, and we spoke to Cabassu about the concept of the brand and plans for developing the business in the fu- ture.
The first thing to point out is that he historical Black Star plant at St Pierre de Boeuf will operate separately from the Béthune plant and will continue to manufacture the Black Star branded niche 4x4 pro- duct for which the company is well-known at that location, although it will also act as a centre for collection and distribution for the who- le company, covering the southern part of France. The new plant in Béthune, meanwhile, will produce the Leonard brand, which will be a mass market PCR, summer tyre and 4x4 tyre.
We asked Cabassu about the unusual choice of brand name for the new tyre, which had been chosen to evoke the spi- rit of Leonardo da Vinci in terms of associating the brand with a spirit of change and innovation. “It is true that there were some raised eyebrows when the brand name was first men- tioned,” says Cabassu, “but we wanted to be different from everybody else. The concept has been well received and
we are now pushing forward speaking to lots of new contacts. We will be happy if the tyre manufacturers come on board with the programme, and we are speaking with lots of them too.”
According to Cabassu, the company is being careful to focus on a step-by-step expansion approach and is starting by capitalising on the Mobivia network. Indeed, Cabassu recognises the possibility of selling through the Mobivia network in Spain, Italy and Germany.
“We will look to work across Europe, also where Mobivia is pre- sent, but this is not a key priority,” he says. “We will listen to oppor- tunities and take them as they come.” In addition, says Cabassu, the company is talking to major retail networks such as Point S, Speedy, First Stop and Euromaster.
So how can we expect the Black Star project to develop in the fu- ture?
“Developing this concept is a big challenge,” says Jean-Baptiste Pieret. “We need to find a smart way to move forward. We’re not the answer – we’re part of the answer. It won’t be easy, but if we put quality and safety first, it can be done.
If they can make the ecosystem at Bethune work, then Pieret belie- ves they will eventually have the opportunity to do the same thing with other premium tyre plants that are closing down, but the idea would be to make sure to get to them before the end of activity. However, he is keen to point out that this is not a priority at pre- sent.
“The main thing is to have good team and good shareholders who share the vision of pushing ecofriendly products,” he says. “The co- llective adventure is important, and the diversity in our organisa- tion is strong. We don’t have all the answers, but we will find a way forward.”
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