Page 8 - Retrading Business N103 2022-4
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(in relation to qualitatively comparable, high-quality new tyres).
In the Fraunhofer study, both the production phase and the use phase, which is largely determined by the rolling resistance of the resistance by the testing laboratory North showed that retreaded tyres for the selected tires/dimensions achieve the same rolling resistance class (car: C, truck: D) as the new tyres on whose car- cass they are based.
a mileage of 20,000 km and 40,000 km are below those of qual- 20,000 km, retreaded car tyres save almost 100 kg of CO2 Equiv- - clearly outweigh the rolling resistance, which is only 1 percent higher compared to new tyres of comparable quality.
- ed truck tyres are roughly the same as high-quality new tyres of -
print of retreaded truck tyres is smaller than that of high-quality new tyres of comparable quality.
The lead of retreaded tyres in the life cycle assessment increases by considering the energy (electricity/gas) and raw materials used in - tricity and around 46.9 million kWh of gas in relation to qualitative- for this study were determined by AZuR.
Around two-thirds fewer raw materials are required to manufac- ture retreaded tyres than for high-quality new tyres of comparable raw materials (primarily rubber compounds for treads and side- 2021, around 37,000 tons of raw materials were able to be saved nationwide by retreading.
It’s clear that in terms of production the advantage of retreads in the more miles they do the comparative advantage decreases. Overall, though, the carbon footprint analysis comes out clearly in favour of retreads. We now have the results, and we are now engaged in planning a series of meetings with different states’ the report.”