Page 40 - Retrading Business N102 2022-03
P. 40

Matthias Leppert (right) receives one Marangoni’s awards from Tyre & Rubber Recycling Editor, Ewan Scott
               Vittorio Marangoni (right) at the Bologna ceremony with Retreading Business Publisher, David Wilson
The biggest winner in the 2022 Recircle Awards was the Marangoni Group, who scoo- ped four out of the twenty awards on offer. Apart from winning the Best Tyre Retreader Award for the second successive year, the company won the coveted Circular Economy Award in recognition of the company’s con- tribution to the Circular Economy and the Best Tread Rubber Supplier Award following a close battle with second-placed Goodyear. The fourth award was in the Best Retreading Equipment category, which was won by the        were presented to Group CEO Vittorio Ma- rangoni during the Autopromotec show in Bologna, whilst the other two were received by Marangoni COO Matthias Leppert at the Tire Cologne in Germany.
“We are extremely honoured by the recog- nition given to Marangoni,” commented Le- ppert, “not by the excellent result itself, but rather by our customers, who with their vo- tes have expressed their trust in the quality of our products and services. The categories in which our customers placed us on the po-                degree offering, ranging from machinery to       - cially in Italy – thanks to the retreaded tyre.”
Leppert concluded: “This result was achie- ved thanks to the extraordinary participa- tion of our customers, partners and collabo-
rators, which is an encouragement to renew Marangoni’s commitment to further consoli- date its leadership in the sector.”
The success achieved by Marangoni in this year’s event is a testament to the Group’s understanding of the engagement required from a nominee’s whole support network including suppliers, employees and custo- mers in order to win one of the awards. The company will be particularly pleased to have carried off the Circular Economy Award, as this award was conceived as a way of recog- nising a contribution to the Circular Economy across the whole of the tyre industry. Indeed      - lar Economy credentials with this award, not only because of Marangoni’s win, but also because of the well-deserved second place achieved by the AZUR Network in Germany for their promotional campaign in support of the retreading industry.
Commenting on Marangoni’s success, CEO Vittoruio Marangoni commented:
“This is not an award for Marangoni – this is an award for the retreading industry, and re- ceiving this award makes us very proud as it means we are representing our industry in the right way. This means also that it is not just an award – it is a responsibility. So, toge- ther with the award, we take also the com-          Economy for the retreading industry.”

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