Page 10 - Retrading Business N102 2022-03
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Hotel in Oxford. Used by the company to take stock of the current market situation, to outline what Vaculug had achieved since its acquisition by Zenises and to identify objectives for the business for event of this kind since the start of the Covid pandemic. It was also the perfect opportunity for the company to drive home to its key customers the importance of dealer partners to the future growth of the company.
Led by Commercial Director Phil West and following a strong James Bond theme, the conference part of the event focused straight in on Vaculug’s key areas of strength – the newly developed core team of people, new initiatives and marketing campaigns, specialist areas such as OT and a forward-thinking approach. West’s aim was to hi- ghlight the huge changes that had taken place since the acquisition, but the focus was clearly on the importance that dealers could bring to the table in terms of engagement.
West began by outlining the challenging background that the com- pany was currently operating in – a market that had been heavily affected by Covid and which was not yet back to pre-pandemic levels,
container prices that are 500% higher than in 2020, natural rubber prices which are still 26% higher than in 2020, soaring energy prices, - sed by the war in Ukraine.
CEO Harjeev Kandhari then talked about the demand for sustainabi- lity from the industry, the company’s strategy in this regard, and the way the Zenises Foundation, which focuses on education and allevia-
“I genuinely feel the world needs sustainability,” argued Kandhari, be-