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It is clear from the figures that Chinese imports of medium and heavy truck tyres have fallen significantly over the last three years from 4.64 million units in 2017 to 2.25m in 2018 and 1.13 in 2019. This represents a fall in market share from 64% to 17% over the period.
However, total imports from outside the EU, despite falling from 7.2m units in 2017 to 6.4m in 2018, recovered to 6.8 m in 2019. The fact is that tyres from China have been replaced by imports from other markets, notably Turkey, Thailand, Korea and Vietnam. Of particular interest were figures showing the changes in import sources by country from July 2019 to July 2020, which will include the impact of Covid-19. The changes in
imports from China since last year were particularly interesting, due to the wide variation by country. UK imports of Chinese MHCV tyres fell from 99,000 to just 15,000 over the period, whilst in Spain the reduction was from 70,000 to 35,000, but other market fell by much less – Germany from 117,000 to 96,000 for example, and Italy from 44,000 to 40,000.
In terms of source markets, all market fell since last year. Chinese imports were only 71% of what they were this time last year, whilst the figure from Indonesia and Thailand were only 50% and 69% respectively. Russia (83%) Turkey (74%), Vietnam (84%) and Egypt (98%), on the other hand, fared much better.
which BIPAVER planned to participate in. With the Delegated Act supposed to be finished by 05/2022, BIPAVERs priority was to monitor the implementation and enforcement plan and to provide information and guidance to BIPAVER members. The second key area of focus was the current ban on Agri/Forestry retreads according to Regulations EU 2013/167 and 2015/208. These regulations demand Type homologation at both OE level and in the aftermarket with ECE R 106, in respect to ECE R 30, 54 and 117. This means that, as things stand, there is currently no regulation for these retreads and no possibility for retreaders to meet the legal requirements. BIPAVER is currently in discussion with the WGAT (Working Group on Agricultural Tractors) and the EC with web conference scheduled for two days after the BIPAVER AGM to discuss possible solutions.
According to Schwaemmlein, BIPAVER’s priorities for the agri/forestry sector were to seek a solution for the aftermarket and potentially also a solution involving an intermediate
with WGAT the EC stated that retreaded agri/forestry retreads are NOT banned in aftermarket but in OE Type Approval (even under R 108/109 and in their scope). Member states are now being asked to give feedback as to whether retreads would be acceptable at OE level with a new retread regulation for these tyres.
According to Schwaemmlein, other priorities for BIPAVER include the follow-up of regulatory changes on the UN –ECE level and to implement necessary modifications into ECE-R 108/109. In the medium term, a key aim is also to align the minimum technical requirements of ECE R 117 with ECE R 109 in order to “re-open” the opportunity for retreaders to access the OE market in certain commercial vehicle applications as well as to increase product trust and acceptance.
During the AGM Schwaemmlein also briefly talked about EU Regulation 2019/2144 which will make tyre pressure monitoring systems (TPMS) mandator y for vehicle categories N 1 –3, M 2 + 3, O 3 +4. This will apply to new type homologations from 06.07.2022 and for new vehicle registrations from 07.07.2024. The technical specifications for this are to be fixed in ECE R 141 (this is in preparation). In theory, said Schwaemmlein, indirect TPMS may be allowed, but is not very likely.
In addition to Schwaemmlein, Christoph Priewasser from Kraiburg, who represents BIPAVER at UN-ECE GRBP sessions, made a presentation on key issues being dealt with at GRBP level. These include changes in 3PMSF testing and certification, potential new tyre markings, the integration of ECE R 108/109 into R 141/142 and GTR, the definition/marking of LT, POR, ET, MPT, TRACTION and ST, as well as the transfer of GTR requirements into ECE R 108/109.
BIPAVER Outlines Key Technical Activities
Michael Schwaemmlein, BIPAVER’s Technical Secretary outlined some of the latest regulatory developments within the EU during the recent BIPAVER AGM and explained
BIPAVER’s Technical Committee on 2nd June 2020. At the time of AGM, the BIPAVER/ETRMA/ETRTO working group was in the process of putting together a
the Federation’s short-and- medium-term goals.
Top of the list was the finalisation of the labelling approach for TBR (C3) retreads according to EU 2020/770. According to Schwaemmlein an assessment of the existing BIPAVER/ETRTO/ETRMA Proposal was carried out by
final presentation scheduled to be made at the European Commission; DG Energy at beginning of November, following which a first review of the proposal would be carried out.
Schwaemmlein revealed that there was a plan to establish an EC Expert Group on this topic,
certificate for the OE sector. Medium Term, the aim would be to create a UN Regulation for these retreads corresponding to ECE R 54/109 and with requirements in line with ECE R 106.
In the meantime, it has emerged that during the aforementioned web conference
14 Retreading Business