Page 47 - RB-62-12-3
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    our range goes up to a measurement of 36.00R51 for dumpers with a load capacity of over 100 tons. We are able to offer various compounds depending on the various market applications: from compounds that are especially formulated to withstand cuts, such as the W2, to those that offer a maximum amount of resistance against heat and high velocity, such as the H1. We can therefore retread the various products according to the different needs and requirements of the work site. In this specific segment, where the shortage of new, premium radial tyres seems to be particularly significant, the use of our retreaded tyres prevents the user from having to keep his equipment out of service or from purchasing tyres at prohibitive prices.”
What other developments does Marangoni have? The company is involved in solid industrial tyres too, so what options does the company have for that market?
“We have successfully been retreading tyres for the industries/ports that handle containers for some years now;” said Luca, “with particular reference to those that come in sizes such as 18.00-25 and 18.00-33 (in the MRL pattern), which were specifically developed for the retreading of high-quality diagonal casings with low resistance and high resistance against abrasion compounds (providing users with an excellent solution in terms of the returns they get back on their investment). Furthermore, we are developing a retreaded product that can be used on straddle carriers. Some users are currently testing it and it comes in a 16.00R25 version.”
Marangoni is not the only player in the market, so we asked Luca what differentiates the Marangoni product and why should a client buy from Marangoni in preference to any other supplier?
“It has to be remembered that 100 per cent of the Marangoni industrial and earthmover retreads are produced at the Rovereto facility, whose production processes were awarded with the ISO 14001 environmental certification and where - among other things - the group’s entire R&D department was consolidated into a new Research Centre: a centre where we also offer training programmes to our clients with specific courses on knowledge of EM tyres, applications and maintenance to optimise performance. We also offer training and consulting on how to test casings or to repair tyres for those who need it.
“Finally, I believe that it’s essential to acknowledge the environment, which offers an ever more convincing argument in favour of tyre retreading. We want to provide an adequate response to all of our environmental needs. As citizens of this world, we are responsible for its future, which can be improved by working together towards a cleaner environment and by making better use (and re-use) of our available natural resources. Retreading gives a tyre a second or even a third life, in some cases, which leads to considerable savings in terms of raw materials,” concluded Luca Mai.
  Marangoni offers either pre-cure or hot cure earthmover retreads

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