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      Jide A Olaitan, centre, of Jetcomm Ventures LTD Salvadori’s new dealer for the West African market
  VMI-AZ C2C-SB1 extruder builder is a top of the range precure builder that is finding favour around the world in markets where quality counts
     Salvadori – A Key Player
presses for recycling rubber crumb and powder.
The Rovereto-based specialist has a client focussed approach to developing its business and whilst it has its own products available the
company is always open to ideas for new products and new processes where it can work in partnership with clients to create new business opportunities.
 VMI – Planning on Being the Best
VMI bought AZ back in 2004 and ever since the brand name AZ has been retained because of its high reputation around the world. The company now employs some 600 staff at six plants, one each in the
tread is laid out and measured. There should always be a greater circumference to the prepared casing than the length of the pre- cure tread, and the machine that we have developed is computer
 Salvadori had, as always, a busy stand at Reifen 2012. Situated in Hall 1 it was amongst the equipment suppliers, tyre changers, and big players such as Rema Tip Top. The presence of some very big names in the tyre industry did not seem to slow down business on the Salvadori stand as the team were almost constantly engaged with enquiries and order taking throughout the show.
The main business was always going to be the supply of ancillary materials and tools to the tyre repair and replacement sector, including the updated extruder gun that has been a Salvadori mainstay for many years now. This new gun features a new drill that, put side by side with
the traditional Bosch, seems to satisfy the customers, not only by its price, sharply lower than the Bosch version, but also by the quality, definitely higher, of a brand new product, created for Salvadori. Also on show was a new line of carbide wheels for use on steel cords; made of silicum these come in innovative shapes and sizes, but as always, to Salvadori quality.
The show also saw the confirmation of Jide A Olaitan of Jetcomm Ventures LTD as Salvadori’s new dealer for the West African market. However, Salvadori has a growing interest in the recycling sector and had on display its familiar range of products that can be manufactured using its low pressure mould
Netherlands, Germany and Brazil, and three in China. The company’s aim is to be the best in the world in the business of extruder manufacture. Sales Manager Gerry Pol said, “We manufacture a range of equipment targeted at specific market needs. “For example, the US market simple measures the circumference of a prepared casing, and cuts the tread to length without worrying about matching up tread blocks, so the North American market takes the extruder as a stand-alone piece of kit, it builds and skives all in one operation, far better than using camelback. However, in Europe the market expects a tyre that looks like new as far as tread is concerned, so the extruder lays the cushion gum. The measurement is checked and the
controlled to tension the tread so that it fits the casing perfectly, stretching it a little to ensure that the block faces match up.
“This is of course an expensive item, running out at about 200,000 Dollars, however people aiming for quality love the concept. We recently had a Chinese retreader visit and we tried to sell the lower cost 50,000 dollar extruder builder, but he insisted on buying the best. His aim was to provide quality retreads and then prove the concept to his clients and in the long run develop a stronger and better business.”
Once again, quality is the key to winning and keeping market share.
20 Retreading Business

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