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  An international view on tyre retreading
Valebridge Publications Ltd. announces the launch of the English language version of Siegfried Gebel’s comprehensive retreading manual, “An International View on Tyre Retreading”. Originally published in German, this indispensable reference book encapsulates a lifetime of experience and technical knowledge gained in the retreading industry and is a book no retreader should be without.
“An International View on Retreading” is a complete technical reference work for the retreader. Included in the 200 page volume are:
• A complete history of retreading and retreading
•Hot Cure Retreading – A complete technical explanation of the hot cure process covering motorcycle, car, truck, earthmover, agricultural and industrial tyre production.
•Pre-cured Retreading – A complete technical explanation of the pre-cure retreading process covering motorcycle, car, truck, earthmover, agricultural and industrial tyre production.
Production Control Techniques
• Workshop Layout
• Machinery
• Tyre Wear and Tyre Maintenance Problems • Troubleshooting Tips
Siegfried Gebel has 50 years of experience in the retreading industry. His career included twenty years experience managing retread shops as far apart as Germany and South Africa and twenty-two years as a technical expert with Gummiwerk Kraiburg, servicing customers on a worldwide basis. He is universally recognised as a leading technical expert on the retreading process.
Valebridge Publications Ltd is the independent publishing company owned by David Wilson, the publisher of Retreading Business, the world’s leading specialist publication for the retreading industry.
An International View on Tyre Retreading is available at a price of £50.00 plus postage and packing. To reserve your copy, please return the attached form with the required payment to Valebridge Publications Ltd, PO Box 320, Crewe, Cheshire CW2 6WY, United Kingdom. Air mail postage and packing charges are £3.50 per book for Europe and £7.50 for the rest of the world.
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 An international view on
tyre retreading.
by Siegfried Gebel

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