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WETEST Pneu Founder Vaclav Subrt Passes Away

Vaclav Subrt

It has been announced that Václav Šubrt , the founder of Czech retreader WETEST Pneu and a pioneer of precured retreading in the Czech Republic, has died.

Czech Retread Pioneer Dies

Šubrt founded WETEST in 1991, followed later by the WESTAR and BAWEL companies, which completed the Group‘s national coverage. As well as being a key player in the development of cold retreading, in which he was supported to a large degree by Kraiburg, Šubrt was also a key force behind the formation of the Czech Retreaders Association, which also later joined BIPAVER.

Václav Šubrt passed away on November 14. We pass on our condolences to his wife Dana as well as the rest of his family and colleagues at both WETEST and the Czech Retreaders Association.

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