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Vipal Hosts Partners in Europe

Vipal Partners in Europe

Vipal Rubber paid tribute to their customers in various European countries for the time they’ve been in partnership with a plaque in the shape of a truck. The tribute that was given to 13 companies that have been in partnership with Vipal Rubber for 5 (Bronze) and 10 (Silver) years happened at the end of May and the beginning of June.

Vipal Has Hosted Its Partners in Europe

The customers who received the Silver plaque, a tribute for a 10-year partnership with Vipal, were as follows: Basvulk (Bulgaria), ATB Truck (Poland), Reifen Muller (Germany), RET (Germany), RuLa GmbH (Germany) and Újhartyáni Gumifutózó KFT (Hungary).

The companies that were honoured with the Bronze plaque for 5 years of partnership, were: Alfaprotekt (Croatia), CARLING, spol s.r.o. (Czech Repubilc), Hoffmann Service KFT (Hungary), Pesa Gomme (Italy), R&M Auto (Bosnia and Herzegovina), RENOP, spol. s.r.o. (Slovakia) e ZVTR Protektirnica Dis (Serbia).

“This is the way we found to thank Vipal customers in Europe for their partnership all this time and the confidence they place in our products that today, are used in more than 90 countries.” emphasized Fabricio Nedeff, Commercial Coordinator for Vipal Europe.

Nedeff added, “these long-standing partnerships are proof that we are truly on the right path and because of that we celebrate this achievement with them.”

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