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Vipal and Remusa Celebrate 30 Years of Partnership

Vipal and Remusa Partnership

Vipal Rubber is proud of its history and knows that this success story is only possible with those who travel the same road.

Spanish Retreader Celebrates 30 Years with Vipal

This is the case with Recauchutados Muralla S.A. (Remusa), located in Ávila, Spain, one of Vipal’s most important partners in Europe, and a customer for over 30 years.

In the early 90s, the owners of Remusa, Enrique Jimenez Sanchez and Enrique Rodriguez Leyva, travelled to Brazil to see first-hand the solutions for tyre repairing and retreading that Vipal had to offer. They wanted to go to the source to understand the reason behind why the company receives such excellent recognition for its quality and durability. With presenting better solutions to the European market in mind, they started using the brand’s repair line and, soon after, they took the whole tyre retreading line to Europe.

Remusa says it gained a lot in quality when it started using Vipal´s products and expanded its participation in the Spanish retreading segment, becoming a major commercial partner of the company. Currently, Remusa, owner of the Rubbervulk brand, is the sole distributor of Vipal Rubber’s repair line in Spain.

“We are grateful to Vipal and its team for this 30-year partnership that fills us with pride. We want our companies to travel this road of success together. Having the quality of Vipal’s products and services means we can deliver the best to our customers,” commented Enrique Jimenez Sanchez.

During a recent visit, Commercial Manager of Vipal Europe, Fabricio Nedeff, took the opportunity to deliver a plaque in tribute to the 30-year partnership between the companies. “I think this type of recognition is very important, as it highlights the partnership between companies. I feel privileged to be able to be part of this story,” Nedeff said.

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