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Univipal Releases 2021 Figures

Univipal 2021 Figures

Vipal’s corporate university, Univipal, expanded the numbers and scope of its training during 2021. In total, the organisation provided 636 on-site and online training sessions, mobilising 3,874 professionals, including employees, partners, and customers of the company on all continents.

Courses to Improve Network Service Offer

The courses were given by Vipal technical instructors and addressed important topics in the tyre retreading process, expanding knowledge, and aiming at the constant improvement of the services offered by the authorised network.

In numbers, the company’s corporate university registered 177 new students and a total of 793 enrollments for the courses made available on the Univipal platform to students from more than 20 countries. The 33 live training sessions were attended by 741 participants, including members of Vipal’s teams and customers from abroad, such as Latin American and European countries, for example, totaling 130 hours of activities.

Thanks to the advance of Covid-19 vaccination and the immunisation of Vipal staff, it was possible to carry out a face-to-face activity at the Vipal Technical Center, located in the city of Nova Prata, in the south of Brazil. Following all the required safety protocols, the training was aimed at professionals from the company’s international branches, reinforcing Vipal’s performance in the tyre retreading market in several countries.

For Jean Barros, Commercial Manager at Vipal Mexico and Central America, these trainings are essential for the constant qualification of the market in which it operates. “It is at this moment that we see the importance that Vipal gives to its partners and customers. The company makes every effort to be close to them in order to keep them updated and with all the information and support necessary to offer the right product and the best services when it comes to tyre retreading”, he highlights.

Fabricio Nedeff, Commercial Manager at Vipal Europe, commented that this constant improvement of teams and customers has had a decisive impact on the final result of the services offered by Vipal customers to carriers and other end consumers. “Vipal has a range of products for the most diverse applications and of very high quality for the tyre retreading market. By adding all this variety to the best processes and services, we serve with excellence the needs of transporters, who obtain savings, durability and safety when retreading their tyres with products and services from Vipal Rubber”, says Nedeff.

The level of satisfaction of the public participating in the 2021 training also grew in relation to the activities of the previous year. The activities through the Univipal platform had 74.19% of participant satisfaction, against 67.61% in the previous year. In-person training was approved by 98.2%, against 97.1% of those who carried out the activities in 2020.

According to Andreia Peruzzo, Coordinator at Univipal, the growth in the number of teams and customers in the foreign market demonstrates that both virtual and face-to-face activities have a very positive impact, whether on Vipal employees or its partners. “The training recycles knowledge amongst our team and speeds up the training of the retreader´s workforce, which currently depends a lot on our team to train new employees. In this way, we managed to achieve the expected standardisation and delivery of the best retreaded tyre in all the places where Vipal is present around the world”, highlights Andreia.

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