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Unique is Great Place to Work® for the Second Consecutive Year

Unique Second Consecutive Year

Unique Rubber has, for the second consecutive year, been voted one of the best places to work, once again achieving certification with the “Great Place to Work” seal, a global consultancy that supports organisations to obtain better results through a culture of trust, high performance and innovation.

Employee Satisfaction Award for Unique

In the survey conducted by GPTW in 2022, Unique surpassed the necessary score level in employee satisfaction and trust. The GPTW organisational climate assessment and survey is measured by the employees’ confidence index, based on a methodology based on five dimensions — credibility, respect, impartiality, pride and camaraderie. All dimensions are based on the nine practices recommended by the GPTW, all of which are linked to trust.

“Receiving, for the second consecutive year, the Great Place to Work certification as one of the best companies to work for fills us with satisfaction and pride, as it is a recognition of the work and constant investments that Unique has made in organisational culture, focusing onthe appreciation and well-being of people. These actions are in line with Unique’s culture, with the values ​​and role of leaders, fostering proximity and a sense of belonging, with a view to engaging and involving everyone in the improvements. This has had a positive and constant impact on the team’s climate and satisfaction”, commented Unique’s CEOs Lucas Möller and Francisco Möller.

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