
TRMAM Announces New Office Bearers

The Tyre Retreading Manufacturers’ Association of Malaysia (TRMAM) successfully held its 9th Annual General Meeting (AGM) recently.

Malaysia Retreaders Focus on Standards

TRMAM also organised a presentation on product certification by PC&I QAS Services Sdn Bhd, an independent Conformity Assessment Body that operates a Product Certification Scheme and Third-Party Inspection Scheme. PC&I is also known as an ‘Independent Assessment Consociate’ Malaysia-based company. The scheme is established according to the International Standard ISO/IEC 17020 under the high authority of the Department of Standards Malaysia.

The presentation covered the benefits of product certification and inspection, inspection scheme process, enforcement of regulatory bodies in Malaysia and EU, standards compliance in different countries and an overview of various standards relevant to the local tyre industry, such as MS224: Retreaded pneumatic tyres for motor vehicles, commercial vehicles and their trailers – specification; MS 149: New pneumatic passenger car tyres – specification; MS 1394: New pneumatic tyres for highway vehicles other than passenger cars – specification; MS 868: Specification for natural rubber inner tubes for motorised vehicles and MS 1348: Cushion gum used in pre-cured retreading of tyres – Specification, and many more. Attendees found the session highly informative.

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