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THE TIRE COLOGNE Sets Up Retreading and Recycling Segment

TIRE COLOGNE Retreading and Recycling

The premiere of THE TIRE COLOGNE in May 2018 is approaching and the preparations are well under way. At this point in time, THE TIRE COLOGNE can boast nineteen of the twenty highest-revenue companies from the current “Tyre world ranking list” confirming their participation, but additionally, the event has caught the eye of other segments and niches within the global tyre market.

THE TIRE COLOGNE Has Established a Dedicated Retreading and Recycling Segment

This growth in interest is a positive result from THE TIRE COLOGNE’s decision to offer a platform for the retreading and recycling industry to showcase its benefits. These themes haven’t had their chance to shine in the past, despite offering substantial potential for the entire market. Kraiburg, T.R.M. Srl Tyre Retreading Machinery, B&J Rocket, VIPAL, Carl Zeiss and also Salvadori have already confirmed their attendance for next year’s show.

In addition to the exhibitor presentations, attendees can look forward to an extensive event programme, where conferences have been organised and lectures planned to deliver a highly interactive and informative viewing experience.

One example of THE TIRE COLOGNE’s event programme includes the Global Retreading Conference. The conference is being staged for the first time in collaboration with the European Retreading Association BIPAVER starting from the 29th of May 2018 at 09:30 a.m., in the Rheinsaal, Congress Centre North. The Global Retreading Conference is the first congress to bring the entire retreading industry together in one place. Partner associations and specialists from South and North America, Europe, India and the South East Asian region will be on location to present a global retreading overview.

Regarding the speakers and their corresponding topics, Ralf Frohwerk, Global Head Business Development at SLM Solutions GmbH in Lübeck/Germany; Stefan Dengler, Managing Director at SDS Systemtechnik GmbH in Calw/Germany and Detlef Witt, Head of Global Product Management at RemaTipTop AG in Poing/Germany will be delivering speeches about new and established technologies in the retreading sector.

Secondly, the European market for retreading and its challenges will be the focus of Tim van der Rijken, General Secretary of BIPAVER and VACO, Leiden/The Netherlands; Leandro Rigon, Representative of ALARNEU and International Business Director Vipal Rubber, Porto Alegre/Brazil; Tim Hercock, President RMA, Managing Director Vacu-Lug Traction; Paulose Varughese, Director Midas Treads Pvt Ltd., Kottayam, Kerala/India; Chris Bloor, Executive Director Intern. Finally, Marketing and Sales Giti Tire Global Trading PTE LTD, Singapore will inform the attendees about current market reports and international success stories from Brazil, Great Britain, India and Singapore.

The second key event in THE TIRE COLOGNE’s programme concerns the “Recycling Forum“. This programme will provide a complete synopsis of the decisive aspects in the field of tyre recycling. This publication, along with our sister journal Tyre & Rubber Recycling will be collaborating with THE TIRE Cologne in order to organise this special zone with an accompanying lecture programme. Over the first three days of the trade fair, industry experts will speak about market and of course the influences on the environment in eight one-hour sessions.

Finally, the “Future Tire Conference“, an established platform is taking place. This is where experts gather to present and discuss the decisive trends and developments of tomorrow. The conference is organised by the US-American publishing company, Crain, which publishes two international industry publications, Tire Business and the European Rubber Journal, who have additionally been conducting theme-related conferences globally for some time. The “Future Tire Conference” focuses on “efficient production sites and the growing demands of today and tomorrow” and “old tyre recycling“.

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