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Roy Littlefield III and Dave Zielasko Retire from the Tire Industry Association

Roy Littlefield III, former CEO and current Government Affairs Consultant, and Dave Zielasko, former VP of Marketing and Communications
Roy Littlefield III, former CEO and current Government Affairs Consultant, and Dave Zielasko, former VP of Marketing and Communications

TIA has announced the transition of association veteran staff to new roles in marketing and government affairs.

New Roles for Veteran Staff

The Tire Industry Association (TIA) has announced the retirement of two members of its team, Roy Littlefield III, former CEO and current Government Affairs Consultant, and Dave Zielasko, former VP of Marketing and Communications and current Communications Consultant.

Littlefield served as Executive Vice President (EVP) and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of TIA from 2003 to 2021 and, most recently, as a Government Affairs Consultant. During his tenure at the helm of TIA, the association experienced sustained growth and expansion in membership and training.

Littlefield has played a pivotal role in advancing TIA’s interests on the legislative front, returning to his previous roles with the National Tire Dealers and Retreaders Association (NTDRA) and the International Tire & Rubber Association (ITRA). His career includes four years of Capitol Hill experience and key roles in successful legislative initiatives, notably voluntary tire registration.

Zielasko has been an integral part of TIA, promoting tire safety and training with dedication and vision. Under his guidance, TIA has seen growth in news coverage and has played a pivotal role in fostering connections within the tire industry. He has nearly 35 years of experience in reporting on the tire industry and tire dealers, including roles at Tire Business, Crain Communications Inc., and serving as publisher of Rubber & Plastics News and European Rubber Journal.

TIA CEO Richard “Dick” Gust said, “I have had the privilege of working alongside Roy and Dave for many years as they shared their expertise and dedication to the tire industry. Their collective efforts have ensured the industry’s effective representation across various governmental levels and significantly elevated standards in tire safety and professionalism through strategic training, marketing, and communication initiatives.”

The association has announced Maggie Blevins’s transition to the Marketing and Communications Manager role. She will be the primary point of contact for all marketing and communications-related inquiries.

Additionally, TIA has announced that Roy Littlefield IV will build on his family’s legacy of tire industry advocacy as the Vice President of Government Affairs.

Gust continued, “As we thank Dave and Roy for their past dedication, we look to the next generation of professionals as we welcome Maggie and Roy to continue that legacy, moving TIA’s mission into the future.”


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