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Retread Instead Launches Aggressive Dear Senator Letter Campaign

Dear Senator Letter Campaign

Retread Instead, the PR programme created to enhance the awareness of the environmental and economic benefits of retreading throughout North America has announced the launch of an aggressive “Dear United States Senator Campaign.”

Retread Instead Has Launched an Aggressive Dear Senator Letter Campaign

The primary function of Retread InsteadTM is to support imposing tariffs, antidumping duties (AD) and countervailing duties (CVD) on commercial Chinese truck and bus tires that are imported into the United States.

The specific goals of the new campaign are to educate and inform all U.S. Senators of;

– the urgency of making sure that the United States International Trade Commission at all times has a full complement of commissioners to ensure fair and balanced determinations.

– the well over 60,000 U.S. jobs in retreading and related industries that are being threatened by the importation of non retreadable truck and bus tyres from China that are sold at below fair market value.

– the environmental impact of non retreadable truck tyres that is evidenced by the millions of used tyres being sent to US landfills each year.

– the need to conserve natural resources by using new premium, high quality truck and bus tyres that can be repaired, retreaded and run multiple times before having to be replaced thus, saving millions of pounds of raw materials each year.

Gene Walker, Vice President of Premier Rubber Company has been a major supporter of Retread Instead since its inception. We need more industry leaders like Gene to join the campaign and reach out to their US Senators and request that they fill all open positions at the United States International Trade Commission without delay and well in advance of a possible ruling by the United States Court of International Trade,” said, Retread Instead Spokesperson Ron Elliott.

The United Steel Workers Union filed an appeal in April challenging the United States International Trade Commission’s decision not to impose tariffs and in November filed a reply before the United States Court of International Trade. Retread Instead understands that the United States International Trade Commission currently has only four of six Commissioner positions filled and two of those still serving are past the original term of their appointment, so, the end result is a total of four vacancies. It is also understood that one nominee has been affirmed by the Senate Finance Committee while two others are in the approval process.

Retread Instead is urging US-based industry leaders to go to, review the letter, and then decide if you would like Retread Instead to send your Senator a letter on your behalf. Alternatively, download the letter and send it yourself.

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