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Retread Instead Heads to Capitol Hill

Retread Instead

Each year the USA’s Tire Industry Association sponsors a lobby day event in Washington DC to encourage TIA members to meet with members of congress in order to inform, educate and make requests regarding the most important issues facing the tyre industry. This year’s Lobby day will be held on June 20th and the RETREAD INSTEAD campaign will be there to be the voice of the retreader.

Retread Instead is heading to Capitol Hill

Retreading and related industries depend on premium new tyres for their success and this vital material is being negatively impacted by the importation of low quality, non-retreadable new tyres from China at below fair market prices, and the retreader’s voice must and will be heard during our visit to Capitol Hill, said Ron Elliott, Marangoni Tread North America’s marketing and communications manager and Retread Instead spokesperson.

At the beginning of the year, Retread Instead launched a very aggressive Dear, US Senator Letter Campaign well in advance of Lobby day, and to date, 5,127 letters have been mailed to US Senators on behalf of companies and individuals from all over the country.

The campaign’s main goal is to educate and inform all US Senators about the urgency of making sure that the United States International Trade Commission at all times has a full complement of commissioners to ensure fair and balanced determinations.

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