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Radburg Intros Direct Marketing Strategy on the German Market


Romanian tyre retreader Radburg has strengthened its international presence by commencing a direct marketing strategy in Central Europe and embarking on several programmes aimed at improving operational effectiveness, Alina Loghin, Social Media Specialist of Radburg, said.

Radburg Make Moves in Central Europe

“We have officially begun to sell Radburg tyres direct to consumers in Germany, and soon we will begin to sell in Austria as well,” she explained.

The company has launched a website at and has placed products on both and

“Now that our collection infrastructure is quite developed and we have enlarged our production capacities, it seems like entering the international market is the natural next step forward,” Loghin said, adding that Radburg is also one of the biggest tyre collectors in Switzerland and Germany.

The company says it is investing more into side projects that will help them in the future. Loghin explained; “One project that is in the pipeline right now is an automated device that would read all the data present on the tyre and further speed up the selection process of both tyres and casings. This project is currently in the hands of Radburg engineers, who are working out all its details. The new technology is being developed to help the company improve and increase its distribution channel.

“Another project that our management, sales, and acquisition departments are working towards is a new partnership with nationwide tyre repair shops,” she added. “What we want is to send potential clients to these shops to purchase our tyres and have them fitted at our cost. For this, we also intend to develop an app in which buyers can check if their local mechanic has Radburg tyres in their stock so that they can easily purchase them and have them fitted.”

Loghin added that Radburg is also getting more and more noticed as a main employer of the region by constantly seeking new talent in all departments and participating in job fairs and being present in local universities.

“And as a final remark, we are now enjoying the bountiful harvest of our hardworking past. We have received several awards from the Romanian National Trade Register Office as the No. 1 Business in Romania in 2021 in our area of expertise and as a top profit company,” Loghin said.

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