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Presti Launches Two New Products

For over 50 years, Presti has set industry performance standards for enveloping technology. Today, Bridgestone-Bandag, Goodyear, and Michelin all use Presti-developed envelope technology. Presti also sets the performance, quality, and value standards for sealing systems.

PX2 SureSeal System

The second-generation PX2 SureSeal System is easier to use and will outperform Presti’s original SRX SureSeal Rings. The PX2 SureSeal System has an improved working range, making installing the SureSeal Rubber Seal easier. It also has a new Auto-Stop feature to keep the PX2 in the proper working range, keeping it engaged throughout the entire retreading process.

The PX2 has an integrated GO / NO-GO Gauge, giving the operator visual feedback that proper pressure is applied to form a SureSeal. The new PX2 is also engineered to eliminate welds, making it more durable, easier to use, and capable of delivering better performance and value.

Presti’s E-Series Envelope

Presti’s new E-Series Envelope delivers performance and excellent acquisition value.

You can check out Presti’s new products on their website now.

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