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Novo Paraiso Recapagens Joins Tipler Network

Novo Paraiso Recapagens

The latest retreader to join the Tipler network is Novo Paraíso Recapagens from Vitória do Conquista (BA), who operate in the South-West Bahia region of Brazil.

Tipler Network Grows Further

With a history stretching back 40 years, Novo Paraíso decided to switch to a strong brand that always operates in conjunction with the retreader.

According to company’s co-owner, Isac Azevedo Magalhães, the decision to switch to Tipler was taken for several reasons. “Among them, with Tipler you can count on high-performance products that generate higher profitability to the carrier and competitiveness to the retreader. We are also able to act in the way we think most appropriate thanks to the freedom that Tipler provides to the dealer,” he commented.

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