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SBTI CONFIRMS KRAIBURG GOALS AS COMPLIANT WITH CRITERIA AND RECOMMENDATIONS LATEST NEWS Stefan Mayrhofer “Environmental protection and sustain- ability awareness are topics we owe to future generations,” says Stefan May- rhofer, Managing Director of KRAIBURG Austria. For this reason, the company has always strived to act in an environmen- tally responsible manner and has devel- oped an extensive ecology strategy for which it was awarded the EMAS certifi- cate three years ago. The overall goal is to improve environmental performance with a focus on the consumption of en- ergy, raw materials and resources and the avoidance or reduction of emissions and waste. To reduce CO2 emissions to zero, the company is pursuing the Sci- ence-Based Targets (SBT) Initiative, a solution that defines emission reduction targets for companies. As one of the first in the retreading branch, Kraiburg claims considerable success has already been achieved, with the SBT Initiative con- firming that the goals submitted by the company comply with their criteria and recommendations. KRAIBURG Austria has, therefore, been classified as a com- pany in line with a 1.5°C path. Kraiburg is now obliged to reduce the absolute greenhouse gas emissions (GHG emissions) of electricity, gas and fuel by 68.8 per cent by 2031, about the reference year 2019. At the same time, the aim is to reduce the GHG emissions from purchased goods and services and transport by 30 per cent over the same period. “We are delighted that the SBTi has approved our submitted concept”, Gerold Schachner, Sustainability Manag- er at KRAIBURG Austria, said. “We have deliberately developed the goals and measures over about a year and are now eagerly proceeding with the implementa- tion of the various necessary steps.” The SBTi has become an essential plat- form for supporting companies in reduc- ing greenhouse gas emissions and en- suring that their goals are scientifically sound and satisfy global climate goals. Companies which commit themselves to the SBTi contribute to combating climate change and limiting global warming to a safe level. “The concept of the SBTi convinces us in all its details,” added Gerold Schachner. “The initiative also takes the individual circumstances and business models of the respective organisation into consid- eration in the evaluation and, therefore, sets realistic goals. We will, therefore, be able to put these into practice by 2031 and make a sustainable contribution to protecting the environment.” Gerold Schachner P. 6328