Page 29 - RB-106-2023-3
P. 29

             In wider terms, selling truck tyres has always been a relati- vely stable business that reflected the wider economy. The sales teams and the retreaders could rely on a known level of trade, give or take a percentage or so along the way.
However, in the past few years, the market has been hit by in- fluences outside its control. Influences beyond the common rise and fall of the economy.
Pre-Covid, the biggest single threat to the retreading sector
Jorge Crespo from Vaculug
Jorge Crespo: “What might be impacting in 2023, is the return of volume in Chinese tyres. This could be impacting on retreading, but in reality, it is just a reversion to the pre-Covid situation.”
was the import of what were generally considered cheap and inferior quality Chinese tyres. The question over the quali- ty is open to debate, and some would now say that the best Chinese tyres are as good as many premium brand Western produced tyres – though always cheaper and with a usually inferior after-sales service.
Despite tariffs on Chinese tyres, they still sold in high volu- mes, in some places they are quoted as holding as much as 60 per cent of the market (PCR included).

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