Page 31 - RB-105-2023-2
P. 31

β€œThe first day was exceptionally busy, and even the final day, normally considered a wind-down day, showed good traffic.”
     With initial figures of 5488 attendees – all unique – visitor rates were significantly up on previous years. The first day was exceptionally busy, and even the final day, normally con- sidered a wind-down day, showed good traffic.
Show Director Alwin Seow was clearly delighted. Indeed, having anticipated attracting around 180 registered buyers, Seow revealed to Retreading Business that the actual figu- re was three times that amount, a spectacular result by any measure.
Against this backdrop Tarsus was able to make two major an- nouncements during the show. Firstly, the company was able to announce the launch of two new regional shows, TyreX- po Americas, which will take place at Centro CitiBanamex in Mexico City from 5-7 Dec this year, and Tyrexpo MEA, which will be organised at ADNEC in Abu Dhabi in Sep 2024, the exact date as yet to be decided. Tarsus was also able to con- firm that TyreXpo Asia will move to Bangkok in 2024, being scheduled to take place at BITEC from 15-17 May, 2024, and then return to Singapore in 2025.

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