Page 47 - Retreading Business N104 2023-1
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 to Germany, resulting in an energy crisis across the continent. COUNTRY REPORT - SPAIN    Notivol admitted that the energy crisis affected all businesses in Europe with no exception and particularly strongly those with in- ternational ties.          large part of our clients’ logistics operations,” Notivol said. Bandi- ser had to transfer rising costs to prices, even though the company considered the crisis temporary. “We have followed the path of our suppliers, who have overcome this predicament by separating the logistics costs from the price of the products until things come back to normal”. MAINTAINING A COMPETITIVE EDGE Bandiser has been a part of the Spanish retreading industry for over 40 years, though the company has a new young management now, eager to keep the company ahead of the competition. “In some cases, \[in the previous few years\] we have managed to modernise our machinery and in others to renew it in order not to lose competitiveness in this market that is constantly advancing,” Notivol said. “For example, we have acquired state-of-the-art machines, one for inspecting casings using X-rays and also - with help from Vipal - a SMART DUO buffer machine that has allowed us to improve            - cial operation taking place at the beginning of tyre retreading,” the spokesperson added. In addition, a few years ago, the company obtained E9 109R 002047 approval. Under the guidelines of the European Tire Regulatory Council, it paves the way for the company to retread tyres with the highest speed requirements. In general, the tyre retreading market in Spain has been constant- ly on the rise in the past several years. Currently, retreaders occu- Alberto Notivol: “We try to explain to our customers that one of the principles driving the use of retreaded tyres is the circular economy.” py roughly 25% of the truck tyre market in the Iberian Peninsula, which means that every fourth tyre in the transport industry is retreaded. Notivol said that the high demand should be primari- ly attributed to the low cost and high quality of retreads on the market. However, even in a growing market, working on streamlining your operation is mandatory. “Unfortunately, several companies have disappeared from the market due to their lack of competitiveness, which has caused a certain negative effect on the perception of the quality of the retreaded tyre among customers. Part of our task is precisely to reintroduce the quality concept of the retrea- ded tyre to the target customer,” the spokesperson said. Bandiser operates at a crossroads of logistics routes in the city of Zaragoza. The company sees it as another competitive advanta-            international road transport, such as Catalonia, Valencia, the Bas- que Country and Madrid, among others. “The new management has received the already running company and has not originally chosen its location. Even so, we saw its geo- graphic advantage and never thought of changing it,” Notivol said.    P.47 

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