Page 54 - Retrading Business N103 2022-4
P. 54

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As part of a marketing strategy which focuses on the growth of individual retreaders as well as                       post-auditing of the various parameters of the retreading process practiced by the retreader. The audit exercise covers improvement in the process, machinery and training in order to further improve retreading standards at the authorised retreader’s production site.
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 Paulose Varughese: “We have already appointed three Midas Authorised Retreaders in Kerala, and the plan is to raise the number to ten in the first phase,”
                       phase,” explained Paulose Verughese, Director, Midas Treads.          over the country. We are scouting for retreaders who meet the          
The move would go a long way towards standardising the Indian          the retreading sites in terms of marketing, improvement in pro- cess, training etc. Among the authorised retreaders the failure rate has reduced to below 5%.
In response to the question as to whether retreaders would be          -         - ure in the region of 90%.”
Midas is regarded as the among the most prestigious tread rub- ber brands in the country and is sold on a pan-India basis through dealers. The Kottayam based company has more than 100 deal- ers throughout the country, who stock and sell the Midas prod- uct range. It also has several dealers in the key export markets but also supplies directly to retreaders all over the world.
Midas says it has now almost recovered from the Covid phase, as         the lost ground as production levels are now only 10% below from peak,” said Varughese. Currently, Midas produces about 24,000 tons of tread annually.
Now the company has enough capacity for about 4,000 tons each          - ufacturing about 2,000 tons in a month, but we have touched 3,000 tons at times in the recent past.”
Midas’ Arcus compound is claimed to be among the best offer- ings in the international market for radial long-haul applications.            -

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