Page 79 - Retrading Business N102 2022-03
P. 79

Anyline offers an opportunity for the whole tyre sector to es- tablish data management of every tyre sold – and disposed of.
Over the years there has been much talk of RFID technology being used to record and track a tyre’s life. There is, for sure, a place for RFID, but the reality is that it adds to production costs, and they can and do fail during use of the tyre. Yet, every
we have managed to establish a scanning system that can read tyre data and that allows our clients to ties tyres to vehicles, and follow those tyres through to end of life.”
For the retreader there is the opportunity to patch into exis- ting tyre management operations – if a fleet customer uses the scanner, then they can add to the data history. They would be able to ensure their clients that they were getting their own casings retreaded and not retreads on some casings of unk- nown history. For some efficiently managed modern fleets controlling tyre costs is critical to keeping costs down. If they know, at a scan, the complete history of a tyre and how it has been used, then it is important to them to get that tyre’s casing back when retreaded. If they do motorway mileage between depot and client warehouse, they will have use on good roads at consistent speeds and conditions, they will not want tyres retreaded on casings that have seen abuse on short haul lo- cal roads with variable roads and different driving styles and conditions.
Ultimately, Anyline gives the retreader full data capture of every casing that comes through the gates – that could be a very useful tool to have.
   tyre comes with its own id tag moulded into the sidewall – not just the tyre size, but the production site DOT-code and a tyre ID number – the data is already indelibly embedded in the tyre – without the need for any RFID tag. If only that data could be recorded easily.
That is where Anyline comes into the picture. Developed in conjunction with US tyre retailer Direct Tires, the system con- sists of a scanning solution that can be operated on a hand-held unit, a phone or a tablet, that scans the codes/ sizes and ID on a tyre sidewall and stores the data to enhance management of tyres. Tie that data into VIN numbers and License plates and a vehicle and its tyres can be managed in fleet scenarios.
Michael Wilkinson from Anyline said; “This is an option that has uses across the tyre sector. We are essentially about data collection and management. However, with tyres, they come from the factory with data embedded on the sidewalls. It was a challenge to master the capture of black on black data but |

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