Page 43 - Retrading Business N100 2022-01
P. 43

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When using the retreading industry’s best envelope
by saving money with more cures and
because we'll sell fewer envelopes. Robbins sees that as a big wun for everyone.
Our commitment to you~your trust in us.

The Robbins Commitment I _ k

In a x-.'cuno. Fobtrns Is com:-.1.tte~:1 to help :c, you 'y'D'.H -:us.'.omer*5 , "C" . -' ” ‘3
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Cur er1'.'9|-‘.);:-Es and Culng tubes 3.-E MADE |:‘.‘ THE JSA -.-nth urerwer rim 5.1- -'
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:1‘-c‘ pe:z::x~.1i~.:r_»<5 :=_I5‘.c,:mEr1 sen-uce The Robbins Commitment to -you ["5 LLC

www.robbins| mm .n ma. u5A

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