Page 10 - RB-2021-supplement3
P. 10
Marangoni: Trophy Sponsor
Marangoni Chairman Vittorio Marangoni addresses all those who voted for the company in the Retreader of Year category in this year’s Recircle Awards
“We are extremely proud to have won this award, more than any other.
You can be the best at every single aspect of retreading, but you can only make a difference if you know how to make it all work together.
“So, this is not just our victory, it’s the victory of all our partners and customers worldwide, who use Morangoni’s system, and we want to dedicate it to them.
“The tyre retreading business is very much alive, and though it came into being due to rubber shortage, it is now thriving since rubber is a resource that must be
protected and not wasted.
“With its focus on environmental
protection, local value-added
economy and on giving products a new life, it is more
topical than ever, as well as being a prime example of a functioning circular economy.
“I would also like to stress that Marangoni started out as a tyre retreading company in an air raid shelter after World War 2, and even though it is now a consolidated player throughout the global retreading industry, that is where our
heart lies.
“This is why the Marangoni Group has become a global technology leader in retreading. We develop products and
technologies because we want them to work, not because they are easy to sell.
“I would like to conclude by thanking everyone who voted for us, and I promise that you can always count on us, as we will continue to help
develop this sector.”
Vittorio Marangoni
X Recircle Awards 2021