Page 28 - RB-91-19-4
P. 28

                    Baldajos Opens its OTR Factory
recognised the "entrepreneurial spirit of Alejandro Díaz." He also stressed that "he has turned a family business into a large company."
The expansion of the Baldajos facilities in the La Moral estate has led to the creation of six new jobs, in addition to those in the other warehouse. In total, the workforce consists of 29 direct employees. To them fifteen indirect jobs are added "in addition to the tractor effect it exerts on the companies in the area," the company says. The new ship has 3,000 square metres, which add up to the surface occupied by the previous plant, with 15,000 square metres in total in the industrial area of Langreo.
The president of the Asturian Federation of Entrepreneurs (FADE), Belarmino Feito, praised the initiative: "It is necessar y to support an entrepreneur investing in a deprived area like this and creating employment." The presidents of the Chambers of Commerce of Gijón, Langreo and Carreño, Félix Baragaño also participated in the visit to the facilities; and from Aviles, Luis Noguera; the general director of Energy, Mining and Reactivation, Belarmina Díaz; and the head of IDEPA (Institute of Economic Development of the Principality of Asturias), Eva Pando.
Baldajos has resorted to state-of- the-art machinery in the expansion of the retreading facilities, whose new business line will allow us to "strengthen ourselves in the national market and explore others," said Alejandro Díaz. It will be possible to manufacture "between 300 and 400 tyres annually of a style that has not been produced in Spain in recent years," he added. The workers have trained in the last six months in other countries to work with this machinery. The launch of the new venture has meant a reorganisation of the production areas.
After the tour of the two plants, the IDEPA director thanked the president of the Baldajos group for his "commitment to Asturias and Cuencas, an area especially in need of industry." Eva Pando asked Alejandro Díaz to "continue creating new businesses" in the region. The general director of Energy, Mining and Reactivation, Belarmina Díaz, emphasised her interest, after the visit to the factory, which she called "a sustainable, circular economy project, which takes advantage of a resource to give it a second and third life."
Source: la Nueva Espana
              Baldajos has expanded its Langreo facilities, in which it has invested more than 3 million euros, and projects a further increase in investment at La Moral, Spain.
The Baldajos group is already working on its new warehouse in the La Moral area of Langreo, the first located in Spain with a line of OTR (Off-road) industrial retreaded tyres. They are for large wheels, the largest produced in the world, exceeding 4.20 metres high and 5.5 tons in weight. These tyres that will leave the second plant at Recauchutados del Cantábrico, a subsidiary of Baldajos, in the industrial area of La Moral, are used by industrial machines such as backhoes, loaders,
graders or cranes.
The inauguration of the plant that allows the company to launch the new business line is the first expansion of the facilities, which will be increased
again. President of the company, Alejandro Díaz, says, "We are comfortable here, and there are two more lots in La Moral II in which we could install a warehouse for the finished product."
With this extension, Recauchutados del Cantábrico, which had been manufacturing retreaded tyres for trucks, coaches and vans, now also produces OTR tyres. This plant is, said José Enrique González, Bridgestone director for southwestern Europe, "one of the best retreading factories in Europe." Baldajos has been collaborating with Bridgestone for years. "I hope the relationship continues for many more years," said Gonzalez, who

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