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   the fact the tyre manufacturers have become more interested in retreading in recent years, had an impact on the independent sector?
“Of course we were not too happy with this development but today the situation is that if the tyre manufacturer wants to invest in truck tyres they need to invest in both new tyres and retreaded tyres. However, in the past 40 years only Michelin was
successful in retreading.
Goodyear and Conti still have to prove that they are able to deliver retreading to the market.
“The technical knowledge for retreading is first class with the tyre manufacturers but the difficulty for the retreading is the casing management, and there are only a few who are able to do this properly.
“Goodyear Dunlop in Wittlich tried to retread only Goodyear Dunlop casings, had difficulty in obtaining enough casings to keep it a 100 per cent Goodyear production, and now they are having to retread their mid-range and budget brands as well.
“There are some rumours that Conti has also some problems with obtaining Conti casings and they have widened their intake. “For Conti, there appears to be the same problem as with Goodyear, they started only with 1st class own casings, but now they are both taking other brands from the family, and now, we hear, from any suitable casing to enable the plant to operate to meet demand.”
Tyre Manufacturers have no problems with tyre labelling, they have access to all the data as a matter of course. The independents are not so fortunate.They cannot just copy. They have to prove that what they produce is as good. How do you see that progressing?
“We are active members of BIPAVER. The ReTyre project is building scientific data about how the casing is influencing wet grip, rolling resistance etc. They are still working on this project. (Though it is almost concluded, and Ruud Spuijbroek told Retreading Business that BIPAVER was now just waiting for approval
from Europe before going public with the results.)
“With the data gained in this scientific programme they want to develop this into an internet based software tool and it should be available to participating associates so that they can access the data to create labels for their tyres.
“With the database there is the possibility to compare figures and at the end the retreading business
has the potential to prove, with the minimum of tests, that their tyres meet the regulations. “Two thirds of
the programme has been financed by the EU and one third by the retreading sector.
“When we have the results then the work of the associations starts as we work towards the regulations for retreaded tyres. At the EC, the aim is not only to go to the EC but also the ECE. This regulation will become annexed to 109e.”
Retreading – What challenges and opportunities do you see for the future?
“So we are really optimistic, not only in Germany but also in the whole EU market. The strength of the smaller companies is to be more flexible. The key is flexibility with casings. If we manage to find a solution for the tyre labelling and to have moderate costs, and can ensure that costs will not explode with labelling, then the chances for the independent retreaders is ver y good.”
You mentioned car tyre retreading, briefly. Herr Hinghaus is ver y positive, no car tyre labelling, is he correct?
“Herr Hinghaus is involved also in the retyre project, and if he wanted to make voluntar y tyre labelling he would be supported by ReTyre project, but this would be voluntary as there are no plans for labelling for retreaded car tyres.
“At the moment we are discussing with the three car tyre retreaders because in the future they may need to label to prove that they have real winter tyres. Winter tyres will have to prove that they are suitable and must carr y the appropriate markings. That is a separate issue though.”
 The Tire – Cologne 2018
 The BRV has decided not to renew its sponsorship of Reifen Essen after 2016. Instead, it is planning an all new event at Koelnmesse, to be entitled The Tire – Köln.
Hans Jurgen Drechsler, of the BRV, in a meeting with Retreading Business, explained the thinking behind the move away from Essen. “For the past 35 years there has been Reifen and Messe Essen has developed that event to become a world leading exhibition. There is no denying that the success of Reifen is down to the efforts of Messe Essen.” Says Drechsler. “However, for the past 10 years there have been many discussions with Messe Essen abut how they need to modernise the fairground. In fact various proposals have been presented to the city of Essen to that end. The trouble has been that Essen, the city, has been having some serious financial difficulties, and it has been unable to approve spending on the facilities at Messe Essen. (Plans were recently approved for modernisation projects, but they may be too little too late.)
“In the end, as sponsors of Reifen, we had to make a decision on what we wanted to do at the end of our agreed contract in 2016. That decision was that we did not wish to renew our contract. So, in 2018, we will, along with Messe Köln, be presenting The Tire Köln.
“We did look at other venues in Germany and refined our choice down to three locations, Hannover, Frankfurt or Cologne. Hannover may have been difficult for other tyre manufacturers as it is right on Continental’s doorstep, and Frankfurt is associated with Automechanika, and we needed a clearly defined venue, so we have decided upon Cologne for The Tire in 2018.” Says Drechsler. Koelnmesse is centrally located in one of Germany’s most attractive cities. There are three international airports within 150km of the city, including of course, Cologne, but also Dusseldorf, which is only about an hour by train from the Messe, which has its own railway station with direct access to the
There are hotels around the Messe, but it is a short walk, taxi or train ride across the Rhine to the city with its hotels, restaurants and bars – not to mention its shopping area. “At Koelnmesse, there are large grounds, there is a large boulevard and the halls offer 70,000sq.m for exhibition, there are no pillars and there is an outside exhibition area. It is also in Cologne and it is a really nice city, and we are used to having large events here,” added Sarah Kraft of Koelnmesse.
“When we made this decision we knew that Reifen would not just say, “okay” and give up. So, we knew that they would fight for Reifen. However, we are very optimistic that the big tyre manufacturers will come to Cologne, and when the big tyre manufacturers come to Cologne we believe that the rest will follow, and so too will our friends throughout the world.
“We have three years to go and I think that we will be able to bring the right people to Cologne. We want to focus on why we will be the best option in 2018. Koelnmesse, has already started talking to the big players about the benefits of coming to Cologne.” Will this be a cradle to grave event? In recent years Reifen has tried to branch out to cover all aspects of the tyre sector, with some limited success. Does The Tire perhaps, as a new show, have the potential to encompass the whole life of the tyre from start to finish?
“At the moment on the plan we have halls for everyone and we are searching for additional firms. One of the reasons that the BRV wanted change was that they wanted to reach new groups. We want to see how far we can go and we are open to new ideas.
“There is potential for sector sponsorship and support. Agreements with various associations are always possible. We want to work in partnership with companies and associations. We are open to anyone who wants to talk to us.”
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