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       G Fortune Tyres: Malaysian Power Brand for Retread Tyres
retreading company in Malaysia that has been awarded this honour. Currently, the company operates from a 48,000 sq feet plant in Melaka, employing more than 30 workers. The plant has a full capacity of producing 8,000 pcs of retreaded tyres per month, running 24 hours on two operating shifts.
Both hot cured and precured retreading processes are available from G-Fortune Tyres. However, according to Lim, precured retreading makes up 80 per cent of the company’s total retreaded tyres, with remaining 20% per cent being hot cured retreading.
“We do mostly stock retreads, mainly truck tyres and some small amount of light truck tyres. The markets that we cover include Kuala Lumpur, Selangor
important foundation of retreaded tyres. To ensure that they not only have a sufficient casing supply, but also sound casings, his son flies to Japan regularly to select and import their own casings.
“I suppose being the only retreader that is based in Melaka is another strength of ours. Melaka is located on the Western Coast of Peninsular Malaysia, about 147 km from Kuala Lumpur and 235 km from Johor Bahru. A delivery to Kuala Lumpur or to Johor Bahru can be done in a day, and this is a cost saving for us.” When asked about future plans, Lim said the company was currently renting a warehouse at Selayang, Kuala Lumpur.
“We are looking to buy a piece of land at Port Klang on which to build
Strategically based in Melaka, G Fortune Tyres Sdn Bhd was established in 2004. Although the company has only been in operation
plant in Melaka, and had to move my whole family to Melaka after so many years of being settled in Kuala Lumpur. ”
  G Fortune Managing Director Lim Tuan Kee (centre) and his two sons
    for under 10 years, Managing Director Lim Tuan Kee has over 40 years of experience in the retreading industry. “I worked as an apprentice in a retreading plant in Kuala Lumpur when I was seventeen. In my twenties I decided to start up my own tyre trading business. Before I moved to Melaka, I owned a small retreading plant in Kuala Lumpur with only four chambers, and concentrated solely on hot cured retreading. ”
Lim has come a long way. Many entrepreneurs fail before they have full success, and Lim is no exception. His retreading plant in Kuala Lumpur failed to turn a profit due to the economic slowdown, and finally closed down. It was hurtful to see the business crumble when he had invested so much time, energy and money. However, being a member of Soka Gakkai Malaysia (SGM), Lim uses the core values of the organisation and puts them into practice.
“SGM is an organisation that promotes peace in society through cultural exchanges and humanistic education, based on the life affirming philosophy of Nichiren Buddhism. ‘Soka’ means creating value. As a Buddhist engaged in society, I believe that all human beings, regardless of gender, ethnicity or social standing, have the power to overcome life’s challenges and develop a life of immense value,” Lim explained.
It was this belief that kept Lim motivated. Lim then took the failure as a challenge and learned from his business mistakes. When the opportunity came, Lim decided to start all over again.
“It was a big decision for me. I bought out a closed down retreading
This has proven to be a successful move. Over the years, the company has grown steadily, and Lim purchased an adjoining lot for further expansion. Today, G Fortune Tyres has not only successfully gained a strong foothold in the retreading industry, but has also been recognised by the Asia Entrepreneur Alliance as the Malaysian Power Brand for retread tyres, 2011. The award, which was presented during the 5th Malaysia Power Brand 2011 award gala dinner at the Palace of the Golden Horses Hotel, Selangor, honoured SMEs that are building up and leading successful, growing and dynamic brands in the industries that they represent. G Fortune Tyres is the only
and Johor Bahru. In Peninsular Malaysia, we deal directly with the end users, whilst in East Malaysia, we go through dealers,” Lim said.
What are the secrets of his success? Lim says that having sufficient casings is one of their strengths. Lim stressed that a good casing is the most
a retreading plant and a warehouse. This will increase our efficiency, save a significant amount of our time and transportations, as well as allow us to serve our customers in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor better,” Lim revealed.

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