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The Tire Cologne Cancelled for May 2021

THE TIRE COLOGNE 2021 Cancelled

The extra edition of THE TIRE COLOGNE 2021 with its digital complement TTC@home has been cancelled due to the continuing difficulties in carrying out trade fair events and the continuing travel restrictions as a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic. The next edition of THE TIRE COLOGNE will now take place in May 2022 as previously announced.

TTC Cancelled

Koelnmesse and the Bundesverband Reifenhandel und Vulkaniseur-Handwerk e.V. (BRV/German Tire Retailers and Vulcanisation Trade Association) as the industry sponsor have intensively followed the development of the pandemic and the current political measures, and in particular analysed the potential consequences for the trade fair circumstances of all participants. Unfortunately, there has not been a significant improvement in the situation in Germany, Europe and the whole world, as had been hoped. As a consequence of the current situation, THE TIRE COLOGNE extra edition in May will be cancelled and we will return to the cyclical even rhythm”, explained Oliver Frese, Managing Director of Koelnmesse.

The cancellation of the trade fair reignites the planned showdown for May 2022 with the trade fair for the automotive aftermarket sector, Autopromotec who are due to hold the event from May 25th-28th 2022.

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