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Vipal Rubber has New Management in Europe

Vipal Rubber Management in Europe

Frederico Schmidt, who has previously worked in Vipal’s United States branch, has been appointed as the new General Manager of Vipal’s European branch. “We can count on Frederico’s experience to improve our services in the foreign market and we wish him success in this new challenge, keeping in mind that he is a trustworthy and highly qualified professional for the role,” said Leandro Rigon, International Business Director of Vipal Rubber.

New Management in Europe of Vipal Rubber

At Vipal for 15 years, Schmidt began his career in the company’s headquarters located in Brazil, and was subsequently transferred to the United States. He majored in Industrial Chemistry, and for 11 years, he worked in the North American and Caribbean market, where he was the Technical Coordinator and, subsequently, Regional Business Manager.

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