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Kraiburg Extends 3PMSF Product Range

3PMSF Products

The “3PMSF” (Three-Peak Mountain Snowflake) tyre symbol has been certifying enhanced traction and braking action for a good year now because it is now linked under ECE-109 R Annex 10 for the first time with a performance text on retreads and says far more than the classic “M+S” based on classifications devised by the manufacturers. Kraiburg Austria has subjected seven more winter patterns to a 3PMSF test in order to enhance the competitiveness of truck retreads. The designs in question were the K47, K54, K207, K208, K224, K701 and the K702. The results are claimed to be impressive: all the Kraiburg patterns demonstrate at least 25 per cent better traction than the standard reference tyre – and have therefore also earned the snowflake symbol.

Kraiburg Has Expanded Its 3PMSF Product Range

“Our quality materials guarantee performance and safety,” said Christoph Priewasser, Kraiburg’s Product Manager. “We are delighted that we now have a recognised symbol to prove the quality of our products. Our retreaders can, of course, look up the detailed test re­sults at any time on our website and contact our Technical Service Centre as usual if they have any other questions.”

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